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For DoD Customers

Solicitation Response Time

When using the CIO-SP2i contract, DoD contracting officers must establish a solicitation response time that will afford potential offerors a reasonable opportunity to respond to the requirement. When establishing the solicitation response time, the contracting officer should consider the circumstances of the individual acquisition and consider all factors, such as the complexity, commerciality, availability, value and urgency of the requirement.

DoD Program Official Responsibilities

The Office of Defense Procurement Acquisition Policy emphasize that DoD users are responsible for much of the pre-contract award requirements. Specifically, program officials using the CIO-SP2i contract are required to do the following:
  1. Prepare sound Government cost estimates.
  2. Document and support price analysis determinations.
  3. Conduct effective price negotiations on sole-source awards.
  4. Explain resolutions of differences between the Government cost estimates and the contractor's price proposal.
  5. Support the methodology used to prepare Government cost estimates.
  6. Prepare quality assurance surveillance plans that specify the work that requires surveillance and the type of surveillance to be performed.
  7. Prepare acquisition plans when the total procurement cost equals or exceeds the established thresholds for preparing written acquisition plans (See DFARS 207.103) (Also, acquisition plans are required for assisted orders).
  8. Ensure that contractor personnel do not perform inherently governmental functions (See FAR 2.102 and FAR 7.103)

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