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Preface to the Fifth Edition


Part I. An Introduction to Immunobiology and Innate Immunity

1. Basic Concepts in Immunology

2. Innate Immunity

Part II. The Recognition of Antigen

3. Antigen Recognition by B-cell and T-cell Receptors

4. The Generation of Lymphocyte Antigen Receptors

5. Antigen Presentation to T Lymphocytes

Part III. The Development of Mature Lymphocyte Receptor Repertoires

6. Signaling Through Immune System Receptors

7. The Development and Survival of Lymphocytes

Part IV. The Adaptive Immune Response

8. T Cell-Mediated Immunity

9. The Humoral Immune Response

10. Adaptive Immunity to Infection

Part V. The Immune System in Health and Disease

11. Failures of Host Defense Mechanisms

12. Allergy and Hypersensitivity

13. Autoimmunity and Transplantation

14. Manipulation of the Immune Response

Afterword. Evolution of the Immune System: Past, Present, and Future, by Charles A. Janeway, Jr.

Appendix I. Immunologists' Toolbox


The detection, measurement, and characterization of antibodies and their use as research and diagnostic tools.

Isolation of lymphocytes.

Characterization of lymphocyte specificity, frequency, and function.

Detection of immunity in vivo.

Manipulation of the immune system.

Appendix II. CD Antigens.

Appendix III. Cytokines and Their Receptors.

Appendix IV. Chemokines and Their Receptors.

Appendix V. Immunological Constants.



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