he Center for Isotope Geochemistry (CIG), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, is directed by Prof. Donald J. DePaolo. The Center includes six analytical facilities: stable isotope and noble gas isotope laboratories; a soil carbon laboratory; an analytical chemistry laboratory; the Inductively Coupled Plasma Multi-Collector Magnetic Sector mass spectrometry laboratory, and a thermal-ionization mass spectrometry laboratory located on the UC Berkeley campus. We also have an affiliation with the cosmogenic isotope laboratory in UC Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory. These facilities provide state-of-the-art characterization of all types of earth materials for research throughout the department and elsewhere in the division. The instrumentation and laboratories are an integral part of the Center's focus on new ways to use isotopic ratio methods to study fundamental earth processes, and environmental and energy problems of national interest.



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