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The Europe Program

The Netherlands

U.S./Netherlands Videoconference- On December 10 and 11, 2007 the Office of International Programs coordinated a videoconference / workshop with VOLPE and the Dutch Ministry of Transport on congestion and road pricing. The conference was the first of its kind, involving the participants, but others will be planned in the coming year on topics of mutual interest. FHWA and Volpe and Dutch officials presented information on pricing schemes under consideration and the technologies that would be used in implementing the new pricing proposals. Each country took turns presenting on a particular theme with roundtable discussions included throughout both days.

Information from that videoconference will be added to the website shortly.

  • Communicating About Congestion by Ben William, FHWA
  • New Road Pricing DNA by Jack Opiola, FHWA
  • Congestion Pricing-USA Experience by Regina McElroy, FHWA
  • Congestion Management Process: A Federal Perspective by Brian Betlyon, FHWA
  • Exploring a New Congestion Pricing Concept for U.S. Metropolitan Areas by Margaret, Petrella, VOLPE
  • Mobility Management in the Netherlands by Gordon de Munck, Center for Transport and Navigation, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
  • Pricing Policy in the Netherlands by Marian Jongman
  • Public Acceptability of National Road Pricing by Elisabeth Molenaar
  • Road User Charging in the Netherlands: Technology and Research by K. Ivanov



Ed Rodriguez
Office of International Programs

This page last modified on 03/26/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration