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Chemistry Archive

Beverage Gas

 >   name        Billy
 >   status      student
 >   age         20s

 >   Question -  What are the differences between using carbon dioxide and
 > nitrogen in

It has to do with the partial pressures of the gases in solution.  Nitrogen
doesn't stay dissolved in water except at very high pressure.  CO2 is easier
to pressurize in water.  When you remove the top of a soda bottle or can, the
pressure is then released and the bubbles of gas begin to pop as the gas
comes out of solution at atmospheric pressure.

Van Hoeck

Because CO2 can chemically react with water (to make carbonic acid), it
tends to stay in the water better than nitrogen (N2, which is inert).

Donald Yee Ph.D.                San Francisco Estuary Institute
180 Richmond Field Station,     1325 South 46th St. Richmond, CA  94804

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