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DuPont's Freon (TM) Leaks

 >>   name        Al
 >>   status      student
 >>   age         30s

 >>   Question -  I heard that if you have a DuPont's Freon (TM) gas leak, like from a
 >> car, and you put an open flame to the leak a green smoke will result
 >> called cyanide gas. Is this true? This is for my chemistry class.

Are you sure they said cyanide?
Cyanide gas is HCN

DuPont's Freon (TM) is a chloro-fluoro-carbon mix.  Cl, F, C in different proportions
depending on the type of DuPont's Freon (TM).

Donald Yee Ph.D.                San Francisco Estuary Institute
180 Richmond Field Station,     1325 South 46th St. Richmond, CA  94804


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