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Chemistry Archive

Cardboard Boats

 > >   name        Amy
 > >   status      student
 > >   age         17

 > >   Question -  My chemistry II class is making a cardboard
 > boat. We can
 > > only use
 > >cardboard, but we can use any fastener.What we want to know is how to
 > >figure out or calculate if the boat will sink or not without putting
 > >it in the water. Isn't there a calculation to figure this out? If so,
 > >your input would be greatly appreciated.
 > >
 > >Sincerely,
 > >Mr. Durkee's Chemistry II class, South Carolina

Man, this one is easy.

1. Find the volume of the boat.  This depends on its shape and dimensions.
You should be able to calculate the volume, at least approximately, by
adding together the volumes of simple shapes that combine to give the
three-dimensional shape of the boat.

2. Calculate the mass of water that would occupy the same volume as the
boat.  This is about 1 gram per cubic centimeter.

3. Weigh the boat.  If it weighs less than its volume of water, it will
float.  If it weighs more, it will sink.

Richard E. Barrans Jr., Ph.D.
Assistant Director, PG Research Foundation
Darien, IL USA

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