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Chemistry Archive

Keeping track of elements

Question:  How do you keep track of all the elements? Jim, grade 5
Answer 1:
Most of us only 'Keep track' of 4 or 5 elements, the ones that we work
with most often.  Much of the information on all the elements is
available on the Periodic Table of the Elements.  The periodic table
has information on the physical properties of pure elements.  Details
on the chemical reactions for an element can be found in books and
articles in the scientific literature.
 gregory r bradburn

Answer 2:
I have the first two rows of the periodic table memorized,
as do many chemists. I use a trick to remember the order;
I say a nonsense phrase to myself.
"lie beb c-nof ne, nam gal sips clar"
Li Be    B  C  N  O  F  Ne
Na Mg    Al Si P  S  Cl Ar
If I need the heavier elements, I keep a periodic table
in my wallet. (What a nerd!)
prof topper

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