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Chemistry Archive

Aero gel info

I have heard that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has come up with a
a new substance called an aero gel. Supposedly it possesses some astounding
physical properties including great strength with extremely low mass. How
can I get more information on this substance? (I'm new on Newton)
 paul douglas

Answer 1:  I've never heard of this aero gel stuff. Anyone out there
got a line on this?
Answer 2:
You can start with the following article:
    Science, vol 247 (Feb 16, 1990), pg 807.
Since this is rather old you should probably ask a librarian to help
you locate more current information.  If you want detailed scientific
information you could try finding a review article that references the
Science article given above -- check in Science Citation Index at a
local university library.  If you are more interested in popular
literature that would give a layman's overview of the material and
possible applications try the Reader's Guide at your local public
library.  If you look under aerogel (with alterative spellings such
as aero gel and aero-gel) you should be able to find something in
Science Digest, Nature, or any of several other science and
engineering magazines.
Good luck!

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