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Chemistry Archive

Epoxy glue

What chemical reaction takes place when the two halves of epoxy glue are 
joined together?  And why do some epoxies take longer to cure than others?

Answer:  OK, this may not answer the question, but here goes.
The McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of Science and Technology says
that epoxy resin is a polyether resin formed by the polymerization
of bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin.
Past all the 10-dollar words, what that means is that the
two halves of the glue are a resin (composed of relatively
small molecules) and a catalyst (which initiates and speeds up
the reaction).  The reaction that happens involves the
joinging together of smaller molecules, plus reacting them
with oxygen-containing compounds, to form a "polyether resin."
This resin is nice and hard, and very stable.
Why some resins require more time to cure, or harden, than
others do, I wasn't able to find out. But I hope
that this helps.  You might try asking this also in the
engineering section...

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