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Chemistry Archive

Iodine toxicity and wound cleansing

Can you help me find info on the toxicity of iodine in wound cleansing?
I have tried Veronica and various gophers, but haven't found a directory 
I can use.  I have yet to try the library catalogues -- they generally
index books only.
 ll v lawrence

Try looking at the follwoing references in the library:
(1) The Merck Index
(2) Lange's Handbook of Chemistry
(3) The catalog of any chemical supply company
These references may say something about toxcicity levels.
Note that iodine is a strong oxidizing agent and certainly is
going to cause a great deal of damage if you swallow it,
mostly in the form of burns up and down the length of the esophagus
and GI tract.
-dr topper

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