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Non-water pH 7

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Non-water pH 7

Name: Karen
Status: student
Grade: 9-12
Location: MN

Question: Are there any other substances with a PH of 7, besides distilled
    Yes, there are many. You can find the recipes in any chemical handbook.
You can also search the term "buffer solutions pH" or similar term. This
website (part 1) gives a brief theory of buffers:
Armed with those formulas you can see the number of possibilities.
    Note from the definition of buffer (a solution of salt + acid) or (a
solution of salt + base), water is not a buffer, or at least it has no
buffer capacity. The purpose of a buffer is to maintain a designated pH when
an acid or base is added to the solution. Pure water is a poor buffer
because it has no reservoir of H+ or OH- to keep the pH stable.

Vince Calder

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Last Update: September 2007