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Dissolving Salts and Endothermic Process

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Dissolving Salts and Endothermic Process

Name: Andy
Status: student
Grade: 9-12
Location: CA

Question: I understand that dissolving salts in water in an
endothermic process. I am interested in cooling a small amount of
water (about 150ml) to a temperature at or slightly above freezing.
I have found that ammonium nitrate is a common salt used in
endothermic dissolutions, but it is difficult to obtain considering
its use in explosives. What are some other fairly non-toxic salt
solutions that can achieve the desired cooling without requiring
great quantities of the salt? Is this even a reasonable expectation?
There are other substances besides ammonium nitrate that get cold when 
dissolved in water; one of the most commonly used is magnesium chloride.  
But there are a few things you should keep in mind:

1.  Not all salts dissolve endothermicly.  For instance, the dissolution 
of calcium chloride (not that different, you would think, form magnesium 
chloride) is quite exothermic.

2.  You say you want to cool the water to a temperature near freezing.  
Do not forget that dissolving lots of salt in water lowers the freezing 

Richard Barrans
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Wyoming

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Last Update: June 2007