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Concentration and pH

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Concentration and pH

name         Marcie
status       student
grade        9-12
location     TX

Question -   If I poured a liquid soap onto a plate and 
allowed it to become a solid, would it become more concentrated 
with a higher pH?
    Most liquid soaps such as dish soaps and liquid laundry soaps 
are non-ionic surfactants. Their pH will not change substantially 
as a function of concentration. Electric dish washing soaps, and 
some powdered laundry soaps contain sodium phosphate which is very 
alkaline; however, even in these cases the high pH will not vary 
too much with concentration. Remember that pH is an "exponential" 
variable so a change in one pH unit is a factor of 10 change in the 
concentration. Finally, most detergents contain "buffers" to keep 
the pH stable. This further retards changes in pH.

Vince Calder

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Last Update: August 2006