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Melting Dry Ice

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Melting Dry Ice

name         Michael
status       student
grade        4-5
location     MD

Question -   Why doesn't dry ice melt like regular ice? I know 
dry ice goes from a solid to a gas, but why does it not melt like regular ice?
   Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) DOES melt like regular ice. The 
difference is that the pressure of the vapor of dry ice at its 
melting point is about 5 atmospheres. This occurs at a temperature 
of -57 C. Now when you have a lump of dry ice in a container of 
some sort, the pressure applied by the atmosphere on the dry ice is 
only 1 atmosphere, rather than 5 atmospheres. The temperature at 
which the vapor of dry ice is 1 atmosphere is -78 C, which is lower 
than its melting point. So the dry ice passes directly from solid 
to vapor because you don't have the needed 5 atmospheres for it to 
form a "normal" melting liquid.
   This is not all that mysterious. It happens with water all the 
time in the winter where often we can observe frost disappearing 
from a window or driveway in the morning without first melting. The 
process is a little different, but the concept is the same. In the 
case of frost, the wind blows water vapor away at temperatures less 
than 0 C., and eventually all the frost (ice) disappears without 
ever turning into a liquid.

Vince Calder

I did a web-search for the "phase diagram of carbon dioxide" and 
this site was the first one to come up:

You may have to scroll down a bit to get to the phase diagram of 
carbon dioxide. I will refer to this diagram.

As you can see from the diagram, at any temperature below -56.4 
deg-C (if you draw a line straight up from the x-axis where it says 
"-56.4") you will find that at no atmospheric pressure is the carbon 
dioxide ever a liquid (the liquid state is in blue). This means that 
if the block of dry ice is at or below -56.4 deg-C, then the 
substance will either be a solid or a gas depending on the 
atmospheric pressure. Why carbon dioxide behaves like this (whereas 
most of the substance we encounter do not) is due to many 
interacting reasons - all of which just happen to be at the right 
levels to give us this property of carbon dioxide.

Greg (Roberto Gregorius)

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