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Capitalizing Elemental Names


name         Linda S.
status       other
age          50s

Question -   Are chemical names or elements capitalized?  EG:  Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, etc.

The names (words) are capitalized only when a part of a columnar alphabetical list or when they appear as the first word in a sentence. The first letter of their symbols is always capitalized -- Pb, Cd, As, etc.

ProfHoff 649
The names of elements (or other chemical substances that are not trade marks) are not capitalized. They follow the rules of grammar like other nouns. If the chemical symbol is used, the first letter of the element, whether it appears alone or in a compound IS capitalized. For example. lead = Pb, cadmium =Cd, sodium chloride = NaCl, potassium bromide = KBr and so on.

Vince Calder

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