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Chemistry Archive

Noble Gas Origin


name         Larry K.
status       educator

Question -   I am in search of the origin of the term Noble Gas.  Who
is it that coined the term?  Is there a social origin to the term?
The term "noble" probably has its roots from an ancient British gold coin 
called a "noble".

Vince Calder
Hi Larry!
I think you have a doubt caused by a mispelling problem... Probably you
are referring to "noble" gases, that are a group of gaseous elements
(helium, neonium, argonium, kriptonium, xenonium and radonium) that
were also called  "inerts"  due to their low reactivity.
Their names have nothing to do with  "Nobel" the patron of the famous prize.
And thanks for asing NEWTON! Tell your friends about us!
(Dr. Mabel Rodrigues)

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