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Chemistry Archive


name         Brian G.
status       other
age          20s

Question -   I have been doing some experiments with a new form of
hydrogen called a Hydrino.  In my research it is often referred to as
orgone by the layman.  They have been found to be emitted from the sun
and Blacklight Power is pioneering a battery that creates Hydrinos
through a catalytic reaction.  I think if they are emitted from the sun,
they may be a fusion equivalent to an alpha particle.  I was wondering if
you anyone is familiar with these Hydrinos and how they are emitted from
the sun?

This begins to sound like some sort of scam or a product aimed at the unwary
consumer. The term "Hydrino" is not common to the science reference works with
which I am familiar. Sounds like someone grafted two accepted terms 
together --
hydro(gen) and (nut)rino. If it is for sale, I would avoid it.

ProfHoff 315

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