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Potassium and Surface Tension

name         Dagul
status       educator
age          50s

Question -   What is Potassium surface tension?

Potassium is a chemically reactive metal that is solid at room
temperature. It melts at 63.4 C. I do not know the value of the surface
tension of the liquid because it would not be the same for all
temperatures above its melting point.

Potassium melts at 63.25 C. The surface tension (dyne-cm = ergs/cm^2) of
liquid potassium between 70 - 713 C. is reported to be: s.t. =
115.51 -0.0653*t(C.).
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

Vince Calder

The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is the ultimate book for this 
type of information.


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