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Chemistry Archive

Rust Proof

name        Fallon
status      student
age         13

Question -  What household substances can make metal rust resistant?
Hi Fallon!
Let's see...first, metal is a name applied to many elements that have
some common properties, so there are many  objects at home
that are made of different metals: like pots and pans. pipes, cutlery,
and so on.
On the other side to rust is a word applied for the result of oxidation
of iron, a piece of iron left outside or in contact with water easily
suffer the attact of the air oxigen and became covered with "rust" that
is iron hidroxide.
Other metals can suffer also the oxigen attack giving their oxides or
hidroxides but the name "rust" is correctly applied only to containing
iron pieces.
To protect either from the air/humidity attact using a housesehold item,
one can keep the piece in an oil (cooking oil will do) or cover it
with an oil or grease. This will prevent the contact with the air/humidity
and consequently the oxidation. But be careful with these oils or
greases, many contain themselves water.
Thanks for asking NEWTON!
(Dr. Mabel Rodrigues)

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