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Chemistry Archive

Iodine Crystals

name        Jason
status      student
age         15

Question -  how do i crystalize iodine out of the stuff you buy for wounds?
How pure would the crystals be?
    Tincture of Iodine is very dilute. Pure Iodine is toxic, and should not
be handled by anyone except a professional. Dilute solutions of iodine are
used to kill bacteria as in tincture of iodine. My water purification system
for when I go backpacking also has trace amounts of iodine to kill bacteria.
If you need iodine as a part of a science project, I suggest you ask your
teacher if you can use it under their careful supervision.

Bob Blaus
York High School
Elmhurst, IL
he concentration of iodine in "tincture of iodine" that you find in the
pharmacy is very small. I think less than 1 percent, but it will say so on
the bottle. In principle, one could evaporate of the water/alcohol in the
"tincture" but the amount of iodine you recover will be very small. Also
iodine itself is fairly volatile so even evaporation is not going to give a
significant yield of iodine.

Vince Calder

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