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About Skin Cancer
The most serious result of chronic sun exposure is skin malignancies. These cancers include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Malignant melanoma is the least common but, by far, the most dangerous of the skin cancers. The incidence and mortality of skin cancer have increased exponentially during the past several decades, and every year the figure increase. Like Smoking Cessation, Skin Cancer Prevention Education is one of the many objectives of NASA Occupational Health Program to be addressed regularly with the NASA workforce.
Governmental Resources
  • CDC Skin Cancer Prevention and Education Initiative
    This initiative represents the first combined publication from two leading independent panels: the USPSTF which is supported by the AHRQ and the TFCPS, which is supported by CDC. The initiative includes recommendation for educational and policy approaches.
  • CDC Preventing Skin Cancer
    The TFCPS has published its findings and recommendations for skin cancer prevention programs in the MMWR October 2003. The report suggests workplace programs may be insufficient.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SunWise Program
    The SunWise Program is an environmental and health education program that aims to teach the public how to protect themselves from overexposure to the sun. A UV Index feature is now available.
  • Position Statement: Risks and Benefits of Sun Exposure
    This Position Statement acknowledges that a balance is required between avoiding an increase in the risk of skin cancer and achieving enough ultraviolet radiation exposure to maintain vitamin D levels.
  • U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF)
    The recommendations and rationale for counseling to prevent skin cancer from the USPSTF can be found on this site. This is an update to the 1996 recommendations published in the Guide to Clinical Preventative Services.
  • Guide to Community Preventive Services
    A systematic review of the effectiveness of selected population based interventions designed to reduce skin cancer. The guide was developed by a non-Federal Task Force on Community Preventive Services appointed by the director of the CDC.
Other Resources
icon image NASA Solar Safe
Technical Bulletin outlining a skin cancer prevention program for the NASA workforce.
+ Read Bulletin

icon image Non-Governmental Resources
A list of additional on-line resources.
+ See List