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Directions for Linking a Web Advertisement
to the National Crime Victims’ Service
Awards Online Nominations

To create a link to the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Online Nominations, simply copy the code below to the Web advertisement of your choice and paste it on your Web page using an HTML editor.

Text-Only Advertisement

If you do not have the space on your Web page for one of the Web advertisements, a text-only advertisement may be a better option.

OVC is now accepting nominations for the 2009 National Crime Victims’ Service Awards. The deadline for applications submitted by mail is October 3, 2008. Applications submitted using the online nomination form are due October 10, 2008.

Copy and paste the following HTML code on your page:

OVC is now accepting nominations for the
<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/default.html">2009 National Crime Victims’ Service Awards</a>. The deadline for applications submitted by mail is October 3, 2008. Applications submitted using the
<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/preparation.html">online nomination form</a> are due October 10, 2008.

Web Advertisements

Square Button or Tile Ad (125 x 125 pixels)

National Crime Victims Service Awards. Submit Your Nominations Online by October 10, 2008.

To create a link from this Web ad to the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Online Nominations, copy and paste the following HTML code:

<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/default.html"><img src="http://www.ovc.gov/ncvrw/images/ncvrw09_125X125.jpg" alt="National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Submit Your Nominations Online by October 10, 2008." width="125" height="125" border="0" /></a>

Mini Banner Ads (250 x 125 pixels)

National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Submit Your Nominations Online by October 10, 2008.

To create a link from this Web ad to the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Online Nominations, copy and paste the following HTML code:

<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/default.html"><img src="http://www.ovc.gov/ncvrw/images/ncvrw09_250X125.jpg" alt="National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Submit Your Nominations Online by October 10, 2008." width="250" height="125" border="0"></a>

National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Submit Your Nominations. Print: October 3, 2008. Online: October 10, 2008.

To create a link from this Web ad to the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Online Nominations, copy and paste the following HTML code:

<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/default.html"><img src="http://www.ovc.gov/ncvrw/images/ncvrw09B_250X125.jpg" alt="National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Submit Your Nominations. Print: October 3, 2008. Online: October 10, 2008." width="250" height="125" border="0"></a>

Horizontal Banner Ads (468 x 60 pixels)

National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Now Accepting Nominations Online. Deadline: October 10, 2008.

To create a link from this Web ad to the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Online Nominations, copy and paste the following HTML code:

<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/default.html"><img src="http://www.ovc.gov/ncvrw/images/ncvrw09_468X60.jpg" alt="National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Now Accepting Nominations Online. Deadline: October 10, 2008." width="468" height="60" border="0">

National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Now Accepting Nominations. Deadline: Print: October 3, 2008. Online: October 10, 2008.

To create a link from this Web ad to the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Online Nominations, copy and paste the following HTML code:

<a href="https://ovcncvrw.ncjrs.gov/awards/default.html"><img src="http://www.ovc.gov/ncvrw/images/ncvrw09B_468X60.jpg" alt="National Crime Victims' Service Awards. Now Accepting Nominations. Deadline: Print: October 3, 2008. Online: October 10, 2008." width="468" height="60" border="0"></a>

Animated Flash Ad (468 x 60 pixels)


The National Crime Victims’ Service Awards nomination banner is available for download and can be used on your Web site. To use this banner, follow these steps:

  1. Download the zipped* file nominatebanner2009.zip to your desktop.
    You will require a decompression utility to unzip the file. You can download WinZip® for the PC at www.winzip.com or Stuffit Expander® for Macintosh and PC at https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20080916142534/http://my.smithmicro.com/win/stuffit/index.html.

  2. Open/extract the files from the zipped file and save them to a folder on your computer.
    The decompressed zip file will reveal—
    • A “swf” file titled “anim_468x60.swf.”
    • An HTML page titled "nominatebanner2009zip.html." The HTML will serve as your working HTML file from which you can "cut and paste" code to use on your Web site.

  3. Copy the code used in the HTML file and paste the code on your Web site’s page.
*Zip is a compression utility program. Multiple files can be compressed and archived within a single zip file.


Links to Other Sites
OVC provides links to other Web sites as a convenience to its visitors and tries to ensure that the links are current. The inclusion of a link on this Web site does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by OVC.

OVC neither endorses, has any responsibility for, nor exercises any control over the organizations' views or the accuracy of the information contained in those pages outside of OVC’s Web site.

The Crime Victims’ Service Awards Web site is the online nomination system for the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Find out more About the Awards.

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This document was last updated on August 18, 2008