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Molecular Biology Archive

DNA Intraspecies Mixing


name Joe
status student
grade 9-12
location DE

Question - my biology teacher showed us a video on mixing human DNA
with animal DNA, but the only DNA that was mixed was protein producing
DNA, so the animal produces human protein. My question is, is it
possible to mix animal DNA (lets say feline, or a cat) with human DNA and
the human will still live and grow, with normal functions, the only
difference is that the human now has heightend senses, the abliity to run
faster and jump higher and see well in the dark? Is this possible. Take
spider man for example, is getting spider DNA mixed with ours and our
body accepts it as its own instead of rejecting it, will that give us
spider like abilites (with the exception of web shooting)? I'd really
appreaciate it if my question was answered.
 This is actually a common question. First of all, think of all of the genes 
involved in "heightened senses" and "running and jumping" for example. There 
is no single gene for "running" and no single gene for "jumping". Most 
phenotypes are polygenic, in other words, the result of many genes. Not only 
that, but most traits are also multifactorial, in other words, they are the 
result of both genes and the environment. So, assuming we knew all the genes 
involved with running and jumping and could put them in the person in just 
the right places, what if the person is lazy and doesn't want to run and 
jump? When genetically engineering mammals, most of the time it is so that 
animal can produce a single type of protein- such as a blood clotting factor 
needed by hemophiliacs for example. It doesn't really change the phenotype 
of the animal-they probably don't even notice.


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