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Molecular Biology Archive

Moneran Movement


name        Michael
status       student
age          13

Question -   Are monerans capable of movemnet...if so, what is the
method of movement
Yes they are capable of movement! In fact, many monerans (bacteria) dart 
around quite quickly. Depending on the species, they may have one or two long 
"hairs," called flagella, on their surface that drive them like little propellers. 
Others have lots more smaller hair-like projections on their surface called 
cilia. If you ever get a chance to look at them under a microscope, you'd be 
amazed at how well they can swim around. 

Paul Mahoney, PhD
Monerans are basically bacteria and some bacteria can move and others  can't. 
It's one method used to help identify them.  If they move they  have 
flagella.  Some have one flagellum others have two, one at each end,  and others have 
many around the outside of the cell.

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