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Molecular Biology Archive

Protein Digestion


name         JOHNY
status       educator
age          50s

Question -   Protein digestion
I would like to ask you whether the followig information is enougfh for
a student doing O/L Cambridge syllabus, regarding protien digestion .
Pepsin produced by the wall of the stomach splits protien into peptones.
When the food reaches the the duodenum the pancreas produces pancreatic
juice.  The trypsin present in this juice converts protiens and peptones
into peptides. The erpsin produced in ileum converts peptides into

I do not know what a student doing O/L Cambridge syllabus means, so I do not know what level 
of student you are referring.  However, this decription is certainly missing too many elements 
to be considered correct.  I can think of four missing enzymes and the use of the work peptones 
and peptide (polypeptides?).    I do not know what "erpsin" enzyme  is or pertains to???

Many of these enzymes have active and inactive configurations that need to be activated.  
Most basic textbooks go into the details you are requesting.

Steve Sample

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