Ask A Scientist

Molecular Biology Archive

Bacteria Agar

Sunday, October 27, 2002

name         Amy
status       other
age          20s  

Question -   I want to conduct a hand washing experiment in which I vary
scrub time, soap amt, & temp of H20. What type of nutrient agar plate
should I use?  I don't know which type to order...there are so many.
Also, what conditions do the agar plates need to be in pre and during
the experiment? thanks, Amy


Plain nutrient agar should be fine.  You will want to have the agar in a
liquid state (molten, temp. 45-50 degrees C-any cooler and it will
solidify).  The agar can be melted by boiling, and then held in a water
bath at 45 degrees until use.  Then pour it into a sterile plastic petri
dish and put your fingertips into the molten agar.  Let the agar
solidify and then incubate it upside down in an incubator at 37 degrees
C for 24 hrs. or at room temperature for 48 hrs.

Good luck


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