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Molecular Biology Archive

Body maintenance of pH

name        Jay L.
status      other
age         40s

Question -  A quickie on the proper use of Baking Soda as a means to
helping the body maintain safe level of alkalinity... would half a
teaspoon in half glass of water be safe to take, and if so, would it
help to keep the body in a balanced acid/alkaline state? How many times a
week should this be taken?

I would not recommend the baking soda drink.  Your body has its own 
for maintaining a proper acid/alkaline balance, and baking soda is just
adding an alkaline stress to the system.  If you are healthy, your body could
probably handle it (within limits) by turning up the acidity in your stomach,
but if your body's pH were truly a problem, you'd be dead already.

Christine Ticknor, Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University

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