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Molecular Biology Archive

Bacteria Safeguards

   name        Jon
   status      other
  age         30s

  Question -  EPA sets the standard of zero
colonies of fecal coliform bacteria per 100ml of water to determine the possible presence of other disease causing bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that live in human and animal digestive systems.
Water Contaminated with the fecal coliform indicator bactiera must be treated and disinfected before ingestion to prevent intestinal diseases.
The microorganisms that are of highest concern include Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia duodenalis, Campylocbacter spp., Salmonella spp., pathogenic strains of E. coli, and Yersinia spp.
What are some of the methods used to treat and
disinfect water containing these organisms?

>The methods used to treat contaminated water depend on
>the source (wells, pits)  use and quantitiy. You'll
>find the answer to your question in a display from the
>University of Missouri, which is included in the
>Virtual Museum of Bacteria (
>G >o directly to
>Here you'll find info on the different methods in use:
>chlorine, hypochlorite, Ultraviolet light, Iodine
>Trudy Wassenaar
>Curator of the Virtual Museum of Bacteria



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