FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                    CR
MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1995                                     (202) 616-2765
                                                         TDD (202) 514-1888


     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Justice Department today sued the
states of California, Illinois, and Pennsylvania for refusing to
comply with a new law that makes it easier for Americans to
register to vote.
     Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), most
states were required by January 1, 1995, to provide voter
registration for federal elections at motor vehicle locations and
other state agencies as well as through the mail.  President
Clinton signed the Act in May 1993.
     "This is a common sense law that already is making voting more
available to all Americans," said Attorney General Janet Reno.
"States have seen tremendous increases in the number of people
registering to vote in the 23 days since the law took effect."
     Last May, the Justice Department notified all the states of
their obligations under the law and since that time has been
working with state officials to ensure that they voluntarily
     "We cannot understand why any elected official would stand in
the way of making it easier to register to vote," said Assistant
Attorney General Deval L. Patrick.
     Neither Illinois nor Pennsylvania passed legislation or took
any administrative action to comply with the law.      
     In California, where registration forms already have been
printed, Governor Wilson vetoed legislation.  In December,
California filed suit against the federal government challenging
the constitutionality of the law.  In addition to countersuing the
state for its refusal to comply, the Justice Department today also
responded to the California suit by asserting that Congress has the
constitutional authority to regulate federal elections. 
     "Congress has the authority to regulate federal elections, and
it used that authority when it passed the law," added Reno.  "We
now must use the authority that Congress gave us to enforce it."
     Three states -- Arkansas, Virginia and Vermont -- have been
provided additional time to comply in order to amend their state
constitutions.  Four states -- Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin
and Wyoming -- are exempt from the law because they already had
same day or no registration prior to the enactment of the law.
     Earlier this month Reno indicated that South Carolina also was
resisting the law.  At the time, the state had passed legislation
which the former Governor vetoed.   A new Governor has taken
office, and it appears that the state's election commission may be
trying to comply with the NVRA.  The Justice Department is closely
monitoring the situation to determine if litigation is needed to
ensure compliance.
     Additionally, Michigan passed legislation which was signed
into law on January 10.  On that same day, however, the Governor
signed an Executive Order which effectively prevents agencies from
providing the voter registration services.  The Justice Department
is also monitoring activity in that state.
     "With the exception of a handful of states, every state is
complying or working towards complying with the law," stated  Reno. 
However, she added, "We are monitoring every state to ensure full
compliance and will not hesitate to file additional suits against
other states that fail to comply with the law."
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