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News Release

September 10, 2008

Contact: Michael Orenstein

OPM Acting Director Hager Notes the Start of the 2008 CFC and Offers Plan for Its Future Success

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Office of Personnel Management Acting Director Michael W. Hager today marked the opening of the 2008 Combined Federal Campaign with an acknowledgement of the Federal community's past generosity and with words of encouragement about continuing that success this year and into the future. The CFC is the Federal government's annual charity drive.

"Federal employees have continually demonstrated their commitment to help others through the CFC and raised over $273 million on behalf of charities in 2007," Hager said in a memorandum to agency heads. CFC donors include Federal and Postal Service employees, and members of the United States military.

Since its inception in 1961, the CFC has raised more than $6 billion.

In the memorandum, however, Hager acknowledged certain challenges facing the CFC. Among them is the potential corrosion of a solid donor base through the retirement of long-time federal employees and the influx of newly hired and younger workers who are not familiar with the CFC's history or do not appreciate its value.

To counter the loss of donors, Hager's presented a blueprint for the future. His plan includes educating newly hired or younger employees on the importance of the CFC; encouraging federal employees to continue volunteering as CFC Loaned Executives, Coordinators and Keyworkers; and, using the technology of Employee Express to lower the cost of operations.

Hager suggests agencies be pro-active in courting donations from their workers and to get people excited about the program.

"Even the smallest of donations can go a long way toward improving the lives of others," said Hager. "And I join President Bush in recommending that you allow your employees to serve (as volunteers) during the campaign period."

Accompanying the CFC memo was a letter from President George W. Bush, who said: "The Combined Federal Campaign is an important way for Federal employees to support thousands of worthy charities. Public servants not only contribute to the campaign but also assume leadership roles to ensure its success."

The 2008 CFC began on September 1 and runs through December 15.

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