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Data File Set Name: Santa Susana Field Laboratory Cohort Study, 1997


This data file set consists of three data files for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory Worker Study, a retrospective cohort analysis of workers employed at Rocketdyne/AI between 1950 and 1993, conducted by Dr. Hal Morgenstern, Principal Investigator, UCLA School of Public Health.

The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to estimate the effects of low-level occupational exposures to external ionizing radiation (penetration of the whole body primarily by gamma and x rays) and internal radiation (inhalation and ingestion of alpha-emitting radionuclides, primarily uranium and mixed fission products) on cancer mortality (total and selected sites) among workers employed at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory and associated facilities of Atomics International (AI) and Rocketdyne in Greater Los Angeles. The Rocketdyne division of Rockwell International (now a division of The Boeing Company) was merged with AI in 1984. The source population for the study was all workers employed at Rocketdyne/AI between 1950 and 1993.

The study population for estimating the effects of external radiation consisted of 4563 workers who had been enrolled in the health-physics monitoring program and had been monitored for external radiation by the company (the externally monitored cohort). The study population for estimating the effects of internal radiation consisted of 2297 workers who had been enrolled in the health-physics monitoring program and had been monitored for internal radiation (the internally monitored cohort). All but 44 members of the internally monitored cohort were included in the externally monitored cohort. Thus, the total sample size was 4607.

All subjects were followed from the start of monitoring (or 1/1/50 if later) through the end of 1994 for vital status, using company records and three different record systems. A licensed nosologist coded the underlying cause of death, according to ICD-9, using information obtained from death certificates. Radiation doses were calculated from the data-monitoring records provided by Rocketdyne's health physics program. External doses were based primarily on periodic film-badge readings. Internal doses were based on bioassays of urine and feces, in vivo whole-body counts, and lung counts.

The first file (RKCOHORT) contains sociodemographic data, vital status, ICD-9 codes, and summary monitoring and exposure data for all 4607 subjects in the radiation study. The second file (RKEXTEXP) contains 31,730 records of annual external-radiation doses for all 4563 subjects in the externally monitored cohort. The third file (RKINTEXP) contains 10,503 records of annual internal-radiation doses for all 2297 subjects in the internally monitored cohort.

Number of data files: 3

Cause of Death Summary Table

Creating Organization: UCLA School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology

Notes: The description quoted above refers to the source population (defining eligibility) for our study. It does not mean that any workers would be excluded from the study (and analyses) if they were monitored before 1950, were monitored after 1/1/50. There were, in fact, some subjects who started working at Rocketdyne/AI and were monitored before 1950. We selected 1950 as the start date in our analyses because we did not feel that we had relatively com records before 1950. Thus, subjects were left censored on 1/1/50 in our analyses.

Contact Information:

Morgenstern, Hal Ph.D.
UCLA School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology (when the study was conducted)";" and University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology (current affiliation).
Professor and Chair
109 Observatory Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
(734) 764-5435
Fax: 764-3192
Email: or

Froines, John Ph.D.
School of Public Health, Epidemiology Department, University of California, Los Angeles
Professor of Toxicology

Ritz, Beate
School of Public Health, Epidemiology Department, University of California, Los Angeles
Assistant Professor
73-284 CHS
c/o Mail Services
Box 951361
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1361
(310) 206-7458
Fax: 206-7371

Young, Bambi Ph.D. M.P.H.
School of Public Health, Epidemiology Department, University of California, Los Angeles
Assistant Researcher

Harrison, Robert
State of California Public Health Institute
Data Provider
University of California, San Francisco
1515 Scott Street, Suite 1
San Francisco, CA 94115
(510) 540-2189

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1503 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Morgenstern, H., Froines, J., Ritz, B., Young, B. B.

Report Title: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, Final Report to the Public Health Institute
Report Date: 1997
Report Number: Subcontract No. 324A-8701-S0163
This is the authoritative version provided by the data provider. This version does not include some tables, forms, and other materials found in the secondary version.
CEDR Archive copy: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, Final Report to the Public Health Institute

Report Title: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, Final Report to the Public Health Institute
Report Date: 1997
Report Number: Subcontract No. 324A-8701-S0163
This is the secondary version processed by optical character recognition (OCR) and provided by a third party. The text has not been verified as identical to the authoritative version. Its content and pagination differs from the auth it includes some tables, forms, and other materials.
CEDR Archive copy: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, Final Report to the Public Health Institute

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1511 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Morgenstern, H., Froines, J., Ritz, B., Young, B. B.

Report Title: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Selected Chemicals
Report Date: 1997
Report Institution: Addendum to Final Report to the Public Health Institute
Report Number: Subcontract No. 324A-8701-S0163


Report Title: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Selected Chemicals
Report Date: 1997
Report Institution: Addendum to Final Report to the Public Health Institute
Report Number: Subcontract No. 324A-8701-S0163
Monomethyl hydrazine exposure
CEDR Archive copy: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Selected Chemicals

Report Title: Appendix A

Report Title: Appendix B

Report Title: Tables

Report Title: Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from Exposure to Selected Chemicals
Report Date: 1997
Report Institution: Addendum to Final Report to the Public Health Institute
Report Number: Subcontract No. 324A-8701-S0163
NOTE: This is the secondary version processed by optical character recognition (OCR) and provided by a third party. The text has not been verified as identical to the authoritative version. Its content and pagination may differ from version.

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1465 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Ritz, B., Morgenstern, H., Froines, J., Young, B. B.

Article Title: Effects of exposure to external ionizing radiation on cancer mortality in nuclear workers monitored for radiation at Rocketdyne/Atomics International
Journal Date: 1999
Journal Name: American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Journal Volume: 35:21-31

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1473 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Ritz, B., Morgenstern, H., Moncau, J.

Article Title: Age at exposure modifies the effects of low-level ionizing radiation on cancer mortality in an occupational cohort
Journal Date: 1999
Journal Name: Epidemiology
Journal Volume: 10:135-140

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1481 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Ritz, B., Morgenstern, H., Crawford-Brown, D., Young, B. B.

Article Title: The effects of internal radiation exposure on cancer mortality in nuclear workers at Rocketdyne/Atomics International.
Journal Date: 2001
Journal Name: Environmental Health Perspectives
Journal Volume: 108:743-751

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 1490 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Morgenstern, H., Ritz, B.

Article Title: Effects of radiation and chemical exposures on cancer mortality among Rocketdyne workers: A review of three cohort studies.
Journal Date: 2001
Journal Name: Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews
Journal Volume: 16(2):219-237

ADDED REFERENCE:   CEDR Library ID: 3522 (for full bibliographic record)

Corporate Author: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Title: Health Bulletin: Mortality Study of Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers CEDR Location: shelf: misc

Date Added: 11/20/2003