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Data File Set Name: Pantex Plant (Amarillo, Texas) Cohort Mortality Study Update


This analytic data file set consists of one file that contains 11 variables used in a cohort mortality study of workers at the Pantex plant. The study was published in Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility: HHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-124. Silver SR, Anderson P, Burphy J, Hiratzka S, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Waters KM.

Study Population: The current study population includes all males and females, regardless of race, ever employed at the Pantex facility between the start of operations in 1951 and December 31, 1978. Vital status follow-up was extended through December 31, 1995. This full NIOSH cohort comprises 4,668 workers. Because complete work history information was not collected for workers who continued employment after December 31, 1978, analyses involving duration of employment were limited to an early-term subcohort of 2,721 workers who had died or terminated employment before 1979.

How This Study Was Done: This epidemiologic study examined the causes of deaths among all Pantex workers employed by the facility between September 1, 1954 and December 31, 1991. Deaths among the workers were compared with rates for the general U.S. population. For the early-term subcohort, internal comparisons (SRRs) based on employment duration were calculated for leukemia using 0-, 2-, and 5-year lag periods and for solid tumors using 10-, 15-, and 20-year lag periods. The variables used for this study are: ID, vital status, sex, race, date of birth, date of death, underlying cause of death, begin date of employment, end date of employment, early-term subcohort flag, and ICD revison number in which death information was coded. The study report and findings were reviewed by experts outside NIOSH.

Study Findings: The all-cause SMR for the early-term subcohort (0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.92-1.05) was higher than that seen in the full NIOSH cohort (SMR=0.81, 95% CI=0.76-0.86)and was close to that expected from U.S. population rates. The leukemia SMR was elevated (early-term subcohort SMR=1.47, 95% CI = 0.73-2.63) but SRRs showed no evidence of a positive exposure-response relation with increasing duration of employment. Lung cancer SMRs with 10- and 15-year lags were just below expectation. Breast cancer was elevated only in workers with employment durations of 5 to 10 years. The SMR for prostate cancer was as expected, but this outcome showed a statistically significant positive exposure-response [slope: 1.36 x 10^-5 per person-year (PY) x year of employment (YOE), standard error: 4.31 x 10^-6 per PY x YOE], with a very high though imprecise, point estimate (SRR=7.57, 95% CI=1.03-55.72) workers employed at least 20 years with a 10-year lag imposed. Multiple myeloma also exhibited a statistically significant positive exposure-response.

Study Limitations: There is a potential for positive bias in the early-term subcohort due to exclusion of long-term healthy workers from this group. Caution should therefore be exercised in generalizing the exposure-response results beyond the early-term subcohort.

Data from this file was used in the Life Table standardized mortality ration (SMR) and standardized rate ratio (SRR) analyses.

Number of data files: 1

Cohort Size: 4668

Cause of Death Summary Table

Notes: This study was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies, Healt Research Branch through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established between the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Health and Human Services. This MOU provides for the independent conduct of epidemiologic researc current and former workers in the DOE nuclear weapons complex. More information about the NIOSH Occupational Energy Research Program may be found at

Contact Information:

Silver, M.S. Sharon
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Robert A. Taft Laboratories /MS-R44. 4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226-9987
(513) 841-4400
Fax: 841-4470

CITATION:   CEDR Library ID: 2089 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Silver, Sharon     NIOSH
Author(s): Anderson-Mahoney, Pamela     Health Research Association, Los Angeles, California
Author(s): Burphy, Jenneh     Associated Schools of Public Health, Public Health Graduate Training Program
Author(s): Hiratzka, Shannon     Constella Group Inc., Durham, North Carolina
Author(s): Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K.     NIOSH
Author(s): Waters, Kathy M     NIOSH

Report Title: Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility: Final Report
Report Date: January 2005
Report Institution: HEALTH-RELATED ENERGY RESEARCH BRANCH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Report Number: HHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-124
CEDR Archive copy: Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility: Final Report

Title: Announcement of Findings: Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility
Publication Date: March 2005
Publisher: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
CEDR Archive copy: Announcement of Findings: Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility

ADDED REFERENCE:   CEDR Library ID: 2097 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): Burphy, Jenneh     Associated Schools of Public Health, Public Health Graduate Training Program
Author(s): Silver, Sharon     NIOSH
Author(s): Hiratzka, Shannon     Constella Group Inc., Durham, North Carolina
Author(s): Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K.     NIOSH
Author(s): Waters, Kathy M     NIOSH

Conference Article Title: Power Point slides: Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility

Conference Name: APHA 132nd Annual Meeting and Exposition
Conference Sponsor: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Conference Date: November 8, 2004
Conference CEDR Archive copy:


Conference Article Title: Abstract: Mortality Update for the Pantex Weapons Facility

Conference Name: APHA 132nd Annual Meeting and Exposition
Conference Sponsor: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Conference Date: November 8, 2004
Conference CEDR Archive copy:

ADDED REFERENCE:   CEDR Library ID: 1341 (for full bibliographic record)

Author(s): II, Rick Cassinelli, Kock, Kevin J., Steenland, Kyle, Spaeth, Stephen, Laber, Patricia

Title: User Documentation PC LTAS Life Table Analysis System for Use on the PC
Publication Date: 1970
Publisher: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Title: User Documentation PC LTAS Life Table Analysis System for Use on the PC
Publication Date: March 1, 2000
CEDR Archive copy: User Documentation PC LTAS Life Table Analysis System for Use on the PC

Title: User Documentation PC LTAS Life Table Analysis System for Use on the PC
Publication Date: January 4, 2001
CEDR Archive copy: User Documentation PC LTAS Life Table Analysis System for Use on the PC

Title: PC LTAS USER Manual Description Page CEDR Archive copy: PC LTAS USER Manual Description Page
Abstract: LTAS is a computer program 'analysis tool' that uses cause of death (based on our study subjects) and mortality rate files (based on national Public Health Service (PHS) data) to evaluate patterns in disease and death. To do so it compares the expected numbers of deaths (from the mortality rate files) to the observed number of deaths (from our study file) for defined time periods. LTAS combines ICD codes into Major and Minor Categories in order to make the comparisons. These same Major and Minor Categories were used to combine the mortality rate files. Any ICD codes that do not match one of the predefined categories is placed in a residual category for analysis within LTAS
Notes: This manual and PC LTAS are in the public domain and may be freely copied.

Date Added: 05/18/2005