Promotion Criteria for Staff Scientists in GS Appointments


This may be either the first appointment after completing a training position or a promotion from a GS-12 position. This appointment will be based on the expectation that the individual will be able to function as a Staff Scientist with minimal supervision and, in addition, has the ability to work effectively with others, including trainees, technicians, colleagues, and supervisors. It is also expected that such individuals will promote their supervisor's research program by independently informing themselves of new approaches, technological or otherwise, and by being knowledgeable about scientific resources (both human and material) at the NIH and elsewhere.


In general, for promotion to the GS-14 level, the individual is expected to have developed a substantial record of achievement at the GS-13 level or its equivalent, and to have played a major support role within a quality research program. The individual will have made major contributions to peer-reviewed publications as evidenced by co-authorship on a reasonable number of publications in journals generally acknowledged to be of high quality, and exhibited other evidence of being held in high regard by peers, such as being consulted by others at the NIH or elsewhere for advice and/or assistance. The expertise of the Staff Scientist and evidence of high regard by peers should be documented by at least three letters of reference. Outstanding grasp of subject material should be evidenced in a seminar presented to the IC Promotion Committee. Given these criteria, promotion of Staff Scientists to GS-14 will be infrequent.


Promotion to the GS-15 level shall reflect exceptional achievement or other contributions that significantly promote the mission of the individual's own IC and/or other ICs. Such individuals will be expected to have exceeded considerably the criteria for GS-14, including evidence of an extraordinary grasp of subject material in the presentation of a seminar to the IC Promotion Committee. As distinguished from a GS-14, the GS-15 may be required to supervise doctoral-level or senior staff if the laboratory or the facility in which they work is large. Further, the individual must have developed a record of high achievement for a substantial number of years, documented by at least five letters from referees who are not recent collaborators, including at least three letters from outside the IC; and/or the individual must have made significant methodological or other contributions to the scientific literature. Given these criteria, promotion of Staff Scientists to GS-15 will be rare.