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National Registry - Standard Query Menu

Wildcard Query - When querying the National Registry data base, you may use the character "%" to stand for any number of characters, whether they are alphabetical or numeric. For example, if you were to search on "%ein%" in the "first name" field, your results would include, among others, "Heinz," "Stein," "Reinaldo," and "Hosseinali." If you use "%500" when searching for licensing numbers, the results will include, " A5006," "42RA00363500" and "RZ0001500." Adding another "%" at the end of "%500" will return, for example, "45000006667," and all license numbers ending in "500." If you search for a specific first character, such as "a" followed by a "%," then any character string following the "a" will be returned.

# Query Name Description
1 Appraiser Warning, Corrective, and Disciplinary Action History
Restricted to authorized State and Federal government agencies. User ID and Password are required.
2 Appraisers Within a State
Requires you to select the desired State. Returns information about all certified or licensed appraisers CREDENTIALED by that State.
3 Certified General Appraisers Within a City or County Requires you to select the State and city or county. Returns information about all Certified General appraisers in that location. NOTE: Some States do not provide COUNTY information. If you search by COUNTY and do not obtain the desired results, search by city and/or State.
4 Certified Residential Appraisers Within a City or County Operates like Query 3, but returns information regarding State Certified Residential appraisers. NOTE: Some States do not provide county information. If you search by county and do not obtain the desired results, search by city and/or State.
5 Licensed Appraisers Within a City or County
Operates like Queries 3 and 4, but returns information regarding Licensed appraisers. NOTE: Some States do not provide county information. If you search by county and do not obtain the desired results, search by city and/or State.
6 Appraiser by Name
Requires you to enter any portion of an individual's name. Returns information regarding all appraisers with that name.If you specify a State, the search will return all appraisers with that name who RESIDE within that State.
7 Revoked or Suspended Appraisers Within a State
Requires you to select the desired State. Returns information regarding all appraisers whose certifications or licenses have been suspended or revoked.
8 Download a State or the United States
This query allows you to download a file to your computer that contains data for all appraisers in the selected State or in all States. (Each appraiser's "License type" is shown by a: "1" - Licensed, "2" - Certified General, "3" - Certified Residential, or "4" - Provisional.)
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