We've Changed Our Look!

April 14, 2004 — Welcome to Public Debt's newly redesigned home page! After many years with one appearance, we have decided to put on a new face.

Public Debt has had its own website since 1995. Through our website, we offer information about the entire line of Treasury Securities, the public debt, employment and procurement opportunities, franchising services we offer to other government agencies, and many other topics.

We are also developing a new securities website which will allow you to establish a direct relationship with Treasury to buy and redeem securities in paperless electronic form, using our TreasuryDirect application, as well as our other online systems, to conduct business with us. The address for this site is www.treasurydirect.gov. The individual investor section of the securities site will be rolled out beginning in mid-summer 2004.

Over the next year we will move information about our securities to our new Treasury Direct website. If you are interested in learning about buying Treasury securities, you will come to www.treasurydirect.gov. If you are interested in learning about our Bureau, for example, job or procurement opportunities or how we keep up with the day-to-day changes in the public debt, you will come to www.publicdebt.treas.gov. We are committed to making our website easy to use, allowing you to find information quickly and simply.

As part of the development of our securities site, we have selected a new user-friendly design including a more vibrant color scheme, improved page layout and navigational structure based on consumer research.

Before we complete our securities site, we are introducing this new color scheme, navigation and layout on our Bureau's home page. The navigation buttons along the top of the page take you to major areas of interest. The navigation bar at the left of your screen provides more detailed access to our pages.

As part of our new layout, we'll display timely articles on our home page to keep you up-to-date with our products and services. New articles will be posted on a regular basis, so you'll want to check back frequently to see what's new.

As we move information to www.treasurydirect.gov, you will continue to see changes and updates to the navigation on our website. However, we promise to continue to provide you with the information and services that you need.

We hope you like our new look, find what you are looking for easily, and enjoy the new articles that we post on our home page. We are excited by the opportunity to serve you more effectively and hope that you will visit us often.

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