Mojave Desert Images Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program
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California DA Vegetation Data
Vegetation polygons mapped at the alliance level using the national vegetation classification system

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California DA Vegetation Data
Vegetation plot field data used to train the vegetation classification system and polygon creation

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California DA Vegetation Data
Vegetation special features identified during field studies for the mojave vegetation dataset

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California DA Winter Precipitation
The winter precipitation grid represents monthly means averaged over a thirty year period using interpolation on 104-135 stations

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California DA Summer Precipitation
The summer precipitation grid represents monthly means averaged over a thirty year period using interpolation on 104-135 stations

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California DA January Avg Min Temp
The January Avg. Min. temperature grid represents interpolation of monthly avg. over a thirty year period using data from 104-136 stations

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California DA July Avg Max Temp
The July Avg. Max. temperature grid represents interpolation of monthly avg. over a thirty year period using data from 104-136 stations

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California DA Envrionmental Types
The environmental types grid represents unique combinations of physical and climatic variables that dictate biologic response

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California DA GLASC
Polygon geomorphology dataset representing landform type, surface age, and composition.

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Joshua Tree National Park Region Boundary
Boundary of Joshua Tree National Park Wilderness Areas

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