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NRO Selects 2008 Class Of Pioneers

CONTACT: (703) 808-5050

Mr. Scott F. Large, Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, has selected Colonel Raymond E. Anderson, USAF (Ret), Mr. Howard G. Brotherton, and Mr. Hilliard W. Paige, Sr., as 2008 Pioneers of National Reconnaissance. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) honors as Pioneers those individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the discipline of reconnaissance. Mr. Large will induct Colonel Anderson, Mr. Brotherton, and Mr. Paige as members of Pioneer Hall during a ceremony on September 11, at 2:00 p.m., in the Jimmie D. Hill Auditorium at the NRO headquarters in Chantilly, Virginia. Mr. Glenn Gaffney, Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Collection, will be the keynote speaker at this year's event.

Colonel Raymond E. Anderson, USAF (Ret), pioneered the use of solid-state technology in reconnaissance satellites to extend their operational life spans. In the 1980’s, Colonel Anderson recognized that mechanical tape records were one of the shortest life components and of the most mission-limiting elements in national reconnaissance satellites. His insight resulted in the replacement of mechanical recorders with solid-state recorders. His contributions brought about a significantly improved generation of satellites that continues to provide crucial intelligence essential to U.S. national security. Colonel Anderson’s career in national reconnaissance spans from 1966 to the present.

Mr. Howard G. Brotherton pioneered innovative advances in satellite technology that improved target accuracy, provided better product quality, delivered more efficient throughput, and extended satellite life. Mr. Brotherton was instrumental in the digitalization of the mapping, charting, and geodesy (MC&G) system. His innovation, development of collection and post-processing algorithms, and engineering excellence furthered the utility of near real-time imagery programs. His contributions to national reconnaissance and the NRO significantly advanced the utility of imagery intelligence for analysts and customers. Mr. Brotherton’s career in national reconnaissance spans from 1969 to the present.

Mr. Hilliard W. Paige, Sr., pioneered the concept of using proven ICBM reentry technology for the recovery of reconnaissance film capsules from space. He also recognized the requirement for the space-based camera to operate on a three-axis stabilized platform to obtain clear images and the need for a heat-shield for the capsule to survive the reentry into the earth’s atmosphere. Mr. Paige’s efforts made camera pointing and film recovery possible, convincing leadership that a film return system was a logical follow-on to the U-2. His work led to the physical recovery of imagery from over 100 Corona film buckets that provided intelligence critical to national security during the Cold War. Mr. Paige’s career in national reconnaissance spans from 1941 to the present.

These pioneers performed critical work toward establishing the NRO’s reputation for engineering excellence, responsiveness, and technical innovation. Building upon their foundation, today’s NRO strives to provide a global perspective when users need the information. With the addition of these three honorees, 74 pioneers have now been selected over the past nine years. Being designated a Pioneer of National Reconnaissance is the highest honor the NRO can bestow. Commemorative plaques for each of the Pioneers are on permanent display in the NRO’s Pioneer Hall at NRO Headquarters.

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Night launch of an NRO Sponsored Titan Launch Vehicle
Night launch of an NRO Sponsored Titan Launch Vehicle
Night launch of an NRO Sponsored Titan Launch Vehicle
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Night launch of an NRO Sponsored Titan Launch Vehicle