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Your emotions

Create a Journal

You may not understand your stress or your emotions but sometimes just talking or writing about them can help. If you talk or write about your stress, emotions and feelings, chances are you will feel better and, you may discover things to help you.

Don’t plan what you are going to write. Just write! Vent! Write down everything that comes to you! The words you write may be funny, sad, angry, silly or happy. These are your emotions so just write like you feel.

Try to write everyday. If your writing becomes routine, this can help you put stress in its place.

Don’t share your journal. It is yours and holds your private thoughts. If you share, you might start worrying about what others would think. Use it to express yourself without any fear or worries.

Keep your journal pages in a notebook. After a few weeks of writing, look back at what you have written. See what things you have accomplished, what stressors you have solved, and those that you haven’t. Use your journal as a tool to help you explore your emotions, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Step 1

First, come up with a title for your Journal. It could be simple like "Donna's Diary" or "Cheryl's Daily Stress Journal" or something totally unique. Feel free to express yourself!

Step 2

Choose a journal page or a cover page to print out: (required)

Step 3

When you’ve got everything the way you want it, click the button below. We will create your page as a PDF Adobe PDF document file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file. You can download a free copy here.

Once the page is created, you can print it as many times as you want.

Content last updated March 12, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
