IMLS public library page

This page has data and publications from various sources on U.S. public libraries a good bit of which is not yet on the IMLS page:

Public Library Survey
Restricted Use Data
Publications about Public Libraries
ICPSR archival NCES data

Compare Public Libraries

During the transition from compilation of these data by the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to their compilation by the U.S. Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), there are a few publications currently listed on the NCES site that have not yet made it to the IMLS site. These are indicated below.

In addition, I have taken the liberty of adding the data that I found from various sources to this Web site:

There are also related publications that I had only been able to identify bibliographically that have been collected from various sources and which are not available from NCES nor from IMLS. They are listed below in the tables in purple to make them stand out with links to the copies I have collected. Barbara Holton contributed some of these older publications. There are many, many more that could be added to such an archive as this partial attempt at identifying the publications of NCES and predecessors to our understanding of libraries. Some of the publications identified there are available through this page.

If you feel that you would like to have these data arranged in longitudinal files for trend analysis, do take a look at two datasets: State Summary/State Characteristics Longitudinal Data File (PUSUM) and the Enhanced Longitudinal Public Library Data File (PLDF3)

Raw Data (Public Use)
Fiscal Year Covered Title NCES Document Number Document
by formats
2005 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 2005 2008303 Documentation, 94 pages, 353 KB
ASCII, 2,451 KB
MS Access, 2,475 KB
9,201 observations
2004 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 2004 2006347 Documentation, 94 pages, 526 KB
ASCII, 2,406 KB
MS Access, 2,475 KB
9,210 observations
2003 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 2003 2005362 Documentation, 77 pages, 308 KB
ASCII, 2,279 KB
MS Access, 2,397 KB
9,214 observations
2002 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 2002 (Revised) 2004327 Documentation, 72 pages, 341 KB
ASCII, 2,268 KB
MS Access, 2,533 KB
9,141 observations
2001 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 2001 (Revised) 2003398 Documentation, 78 pages, 1,036 KB
ASCII, 2,147 KB
MS Access, 2,430 KB
9,133 observations
2000 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2000 2002341 Documentation, 64 pages, 1,278 KB
ASCII, 2,397 KB
MS Access, 2,397 KB
Codebook, 4,184 KB
9,078 observations
1999 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1999 2002376 Documentation, 62 pages, 1,291 KB
ASCII, 2,169 KB
MS Access, 2,310 KB
9,048 observations
1998 Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1998 2002386 Documentation, 64 pages, 434 KB
ASCII, 2,052 KB
MS Access, 2,403 KB
8,966 observations
1997 Public-Use Data File: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1997 2003388 Documentation, 67 pages, 191 KB
ASCII, 2,002 KB
MS Access, 2,227 KB
8,968 observations
1996 Data File (Public-Use): Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1996 2003391 Documentation, 60 pages, 193 KB
ASCII, 1,940 KB
MS Access, 2,176 KB
8,946 observations
1995 Data File (Public-Use): Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1995 2003302 Documentation, 62 pages, 193KB
ASCII, 1,904 KB
MS Access, 2,156 KB
8,981 observations
1994 Data File (Public-Use): Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1994 2003304 Documentation, 57 pages, 162 KB
ASCII, 1,855 KB
MS Access, 2,045 KB
8,920 observations
1993 Data File (Public-Use): Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1993 2003306 Documentation, 54 pages, 165 KB
ASCII, 1,853 KB
MS Access, 2,137 KB
8,929 observations
1992 Data File (Public-Use): Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1992 2003308 Documentation, 54 pages, 152 KB
ASCII, 1,837 KB
MS Access, 2,077 KB
8,944 observations
1991 Public Library Data 1991   Documentation, 105 KB
pls1991universe.txt contains the data file, 3,827 KB
pls1991summary.txt has state summary data, 25KB
9,025 observations

Diskette from OERI
The original file was PUBLIB91.EXE, a self-extracting file.
1990 Public Libraries Data, 1990   Documentation, 77 KB
pls1990universe.txt contains the data file, 4,165 KB
pls1990summary.txt has state summary data, 25 KB
8,978 observations

Original 5 1/4" diskette from Libby Law.
The original file was PUBLIB90.EXE, a self-extracting file.
1989 Public Libraries Survey, 1989   Documentation, 33 KB
Also published as cb2212.pdf, 401 KB pls1989universe.txt contains the data file, 4,165 KB
pls1989summary.txt has state summary data, 25 KB
8,968 observations from 50 states and DC.

This copy comes from ICPSR 9596, September 1991.
It was also published as ICPSR 2212, March 2002. 9596 was used in PLDF3.
By inspection, da2212.txt and pls1989universe.txt (originally da9596i.gz)
appear to be the same. The summary file appears not to be available with the later version
1988 Public Libraries Data, 1988   Documentation, 402 KB
pls1988universe.txt contains the data file, 3,816 KB
7,910 observations from 44 states and DC.
This copy comes from ICPSR 2211, March 2002.
[1987] Public Libraries Data, 1987   pls1988universe.txt contains the data file, 1,839 KB
3,667 observations from 19 states.
ICPSR 2210, March 2002
LIBGIS Data Library General Information Survey    
1981 Public Library Universe, 1981   Documentation, 316 KB
da2279.txt is the data file, 1,455 KB
8,611 observatsion
ICPSR 2279, March 2002
FY 1977-1978 LIBGIS III, Public Libraries, Fiscal Year 1977–1978   Documentation, 1,306 KB
da2209.txt contains the data file, 1,558 KB
1,356 observations. Stratified random sample of the universe. Note: fiscal year.
ICPSR 2209, May 2002
1977 LIBGIS III, Public Library Universe, 1977   Documentation, 442 KB
da2207.txt contains the data file, 1,453 KB
8,646 observations
ICPSR 2207, March 2002
FY 1974 Public Libraries, Fiscal Year 1974   Documentation, 1,600 KB
da2208.txt, contains the data file, 1,143 KB
1,460 observations. Brief data on public libraries, branches, and some state libraries.
ICPSR 2208, March 2002
1973 Public Library Universe, 1973, Fiscal Year 1973   Documentation, 1,600 KB
da2206.txt contains the data file, 1,521 KB

8,996 observations. Stratified random sample.
ICPSR 2206, March 2002

NCES Data (Restricted Use)
Fiscal Year Covered Title NCES Document Number
Links to bibliographic information
2004 Data File, Restricted-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2004 2006345  
2003 Data File, Restricted-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2003 2005361  
2002 Data File, Restricted-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2002 2004376  
2001 Data File, Restricted-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2001 (Revised) 2003397  
2000 Data File, Restricted-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 2000 2002377  
1999 Data File, Restricted-Use: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1999 2002309  
1998 Restricted-Use Data File: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1998 2002385  
1997 Restricted-Use Data File: Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1997 2003387  
1996 Data File (Restricted-Use): Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1996 2003390  
1995 Data File (Restricted-Use): Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1995 2003301  
1994 Data File (Restricted-Use): Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1994 2003303  
1993 Data File (Restricted-Use): Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1993 2003305  
1992 Data File (Restricted-Use): Public Libraries Survey, Fiscal Year 1992 2003307  

How to obtain a Restricted Use license.


Publications by NCES about Public Libraries
Cover Date Title NCES Document Number Document
by formats
November 2007 E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2005 2008301 PDF, 66 pages, 680 KB.
Supplemental tables, PDF, 107 pages, 431 KB.
January 2007 E.D. Tab: Households' Use of Public and Other Types of Libraries: 2002 2007327 PDF, 98 pages, 578 KB.
August 2006 E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2004 2006349 PDF, 196 pages, 1.06 MB.
September 2005 E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2003 2005363 PDF, 200 pages, 1.07 MB.
March 2005 E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2002 2005356 PDF, 171 pages, 1.08 MB.
June 2003 E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001 2003399 PDF, 149 pages, 507 KB.
July 2002 E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States, Fiscal Year 2000 2002344 PDF, 144 pages, 378 KB.
February 2002 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 1999 2002308 PDF, 146 pages, 437 KB.
July 2001 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 1998 2001307 PDF 140 pages, 431 KB.
March 2001 Public Library Trends Analysis Fiscal Years 1992-1996 2001324 PDF, 149 pages, 650 KB.
June 2000 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: FY 1997 2000316 PDF, 142 pages, 613 KB.
February 1999 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: FY 1996 1999306 PDF, 134 pages, 1,125 KB.
August 1998 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: 1995 98301 PDF, 118 pages, 968 KB.
April 1997 Use of Public Library Services by Households in the United States: 1996 97446 PDF, 12 pages, 46 KB.
February 1997 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States, FY 1994 97418 PDF, 107 pages, 558 KB.
Highlights at NCES
April 1996 Public Library Structure and Organization in the United States 96229 PDF, 48 pages, 2,693 KB.
September 1995 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: 1993 95129 ZIP 26? pages, 882 KB. Expands to 43 files of 3 MB. A number in WB 1 format a binary format of some kind.
August 1995 Services and Resources for Children and Young Adults in Public Libraries 95357 PDF, 132 pages, 5,710 KB.
August 1995 Staffing Data in the Public Library Statistics Program: Definitions, Internal Consistency, and Comparisons to Secondary Sources 95186
[Bibliographic info at NCES]
PDF, 70 pages, 4,556 KB
May 1995 Finance Data in the Public Library Statistics Program: Definitions, Internal Consistency, and Comparisons to Secondary Sources 95209
[Bibliographic info at NCES]
PDF, 69 pages, 4,834 KB
January 1995 Report on Evaluation of Definitions Used in the Public Library Statistics Program 95430
[Bibliographic info at NCES]
PDF, 86 pages, 4,828 KB
November 1994 Data Comparability and Public Policy: New Interest in Public Library Data Papers Presented at Meetings of the American Statistical Association 9407 PDF, 94 pages, 11,408 KB.
August 1994 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: 1992 94030 ZIP, 196 KB.
June 1994 Report on Coverage Evaluations of the Public Library Statistics Program 94430
[Bibliographic info at NCES]
PDF, 151 pages, 6,014 KB
August 1993 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: 1991 93297
[Bibliographic info at NCES]
Ordering information
[at NCES]
April 1991 E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in 50 States and the District of Columbia: 1989 91343
[Bibliographic info at NCES]
Ordering information
[at NCES]
March 1990 Services and Resources for Children in Public Libraries, 1988-89 90098 PDF, 40 pages, 1,997 KB.
March 1986 Statistics of Public Libraries, 1982
"Historical Report" Center for Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement
  PDF, 4 pages, 223 KB.

Infrastructure and history

I believe that this category may prove the most useful to those interested in public library data. This first publication comes from Barbara Holton and is well worth reading. It would be hard to argue that any other library data effort has been more successful than the FSCS. Certainly the ARL data cover a longer period and because of its consistent, long-term focus is the best series for long-term trends, but the FSCS covers many more diverse institutions. One of the great contributions of NCES to the understanding of libraries has been the attention paid to methodology. This is but one publication in a long and distinguished history. I do hope more follows.

Publications by NCES about Public Library data
Cover Date Title Bibliographic information Document
by formats
April 1989 An Action Plan for a Federal State Cooperative System for Public Library Data
Developed by the Task Force with the support of the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and the Natioal Center for Edcuation Statistics.
  PDF, 70 pages, 2,880 KB.

ICPSR Data--Access to ICPSR is restricted to members, as indicated. The information and links about these ICPSR publications has been included above. I have delinked these entries in case I have inadvertently left something out above.

ICPSR (archival links)
Year of
Title ICPSR Study Number
and download information
1989 Public Libraries Survey, 1989 9596 8,968 observations
1989 Public Libraries Data, 1989 2212 Duplicates part of 9596. ICSPR has been notified.
1988 Public Libraries Data, 1988 2211 7,910 observations
1987 Public Libraries Data, 1987 2210 3,667 observations. Pilot year of FSCS, 19 states reporting.
1981 Library General Information Survey (LIBGIS) [United States]: Public Library Universe, 1981 2279 8,611 observations. Universe file. No statistics.
FY 1977-1978 Library General Information Survey (LIBGIS) III: Public Libraries, Fiscal Year 1977-1978 2209 1,356 observations. Stratified random sample of the universe. Note: fiscal year.
1977 Library General Information Survey (LIBGIS) III: Public Library Universe, 1977 2207 8,646 observations. Universe file. No stats.
FY 1974 Library General Information Survey (LIBGIS) I: Public Libraries, Fiscal Year 1974 2208 1,460 observations. Stratified random sample of the universe. Note: fiscal year.
1973 Library General Information Survey (LIBGIS) I [United States]: Public Library Universe, 1973 2206 8,997 observations. Universe file. No stats.

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