Guidance | Liaisons | Programs
Endangered Species and Migratory Bird Programs
bird and salamander

Over 200 federally listed Threatened or Endangered (T&E) species have been recorded onsite or contiguous to 128 Army installations. Numerous species classified as Species at Risk (SAR), which includes Candidate species (16), also occur on Army installations. These SAR are identified as critically imperiled or imperiled on a global scale. Army installations are also home to hundreds of species of migratory birds during the breeding and/or winter season or as stopover sites during migration. The USAEC T&E and migratory bird team provides technical support and guidance to installations and Army Commands regarding Endangered Species Act (ESA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) conservation, management and compliance issues. We also scan the Federal Register for ESA, MBTA and BGEPA announcements to alert installations of proposed ESA listings/critical habitat designations and regulatory updates/changes that may affect mission activities.

The Army prepares an annual T&E report that summarizes data from a variety of sources including the T&E species portion of the Army Environmental Database - Environmental Quality (AEDB-EQ) system. The AEDB-EQ is one of the means by which installations report annually to the Department of the Army headquarters on a variety of natural resource and environmental issues. The report also includes information on SAR, migratory birds and much more.

Installation Summaries from Surveys of Threatened and Endangered Species on Army Lands


Forestry & Conservation Reimbursable Programs

Reimbursable programs, such as installation forestry programs, support military readiness and land management. The Army has about 800,000 acres of land leased under agriculture/grazing, and more than 1.6 million acres under some form of commercial forestry. Revenues from these programs supplement base operations and other funding and reimbursable programs may be used to enhance and maintain wildlife habitats. Agriculture and grazing out leases are authorized by 10 USC 2667(d), and commercial forestry by 10 USC 2665.

Natural Resources
Guidance | Liaisons | Programs