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Around the Regions Region 7

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Region 7 Home Page

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska

Scott Weinberg
Administration for Children and Families
Department of Health and Human Services
601 East 12th Street, Room 276
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 816-426-2225
FAX: 816-426-2888

State Activities

The following lists each of Region VII’s State Fatherhood Project Websites & Basic Facts.


Project Website of Interest



Iowa Department of Human Services — Iowa Fatherhood

In conjunction with the Attorney General's Office and the Polk County Fathers and Families Coalition, the Iowa Department of Human Services, Bureau of Collections, distributes a monthly E-Newsletter, "Did You Know," providing responsible fatherhood, healthy marriage and parenting information. The "Did You Know" E-Newsletter is a part of a statewide public awareness campaign. The following is a sample newsletter:

January 24, 2007


Create a Great Homework Space
Having a quiet place for your children to do their homework will help them finish their assignments. It also creates a special place for you and your children to work together. Here are some tips to help you create the best homework spot.

Source: The Beehive <http://www.thebeehive.org/Templates/School/Level3Image.aspx?PageId=1.527.601.3509>

A message from the Polk County Fathers and Families Coalition and the Iowa Child Support Recovery Unit
Connecting Child Support to the Community

Note: This information is being shared as a resource and for informational purposes. Sharing this information is not intended to imply nor support an endorsement or recommendation for any specific program.

Iowa - ACF Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage Grants

Sioux City Indian Education Committee, Inc.
P.O. Box 1113
Sioux City, IA 51102
Phone 712-252-0811

Project Title: Healthy Marriage Education and Enrichment Program for Native American Families
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Executive Director: Connie Bear King
E-mail: CBearKing@aol.com

Iowa Family Policy Center
1100 North Hickory, Suite 107
Des Moines, IA 50327
Phone: 515-263-2495

Project Title: Iowa Healthy Marriage Education Initiative Demonstration Project
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Project Director: Mike Hartwig
E-mail: Mike@MikeHartwig.com

Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Inc. (UDMO)
Robins Street
Box 519
Graettinger, IA 51342-0519
Phone: 712-859-3885
Website: http://www.udmo.com/

Project Title: Dad's TIME (Together Involved in Meaningful Experiences)
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Responsible Fatherhood Demonstration Grant

Operations Director: Jean Drey
E-mail: jdrey@udmo.com
Project Coordinator: Veronica McFadden
E-mail: vmcfadden@udmo.com


Project Websites of Interest

The National Center for Fathering is located in Kansas



Dodge City, Kansas, Father-Child Night

Picutre of Father and child.Picture of father and child.Picture of father and child.

5th Annual Kansas Fatherhood Summit


Father feeding his baby.

April 12-13, 2007
Jack Reardon Center
520 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, Kansas


Conference Underwritten By

Fatherhood Summit Conference Planners and Supporters

Keynote Speakers

Picture of Adolph Brown, III.Dr. Adolph Brown, III has been involved in education since 1972 beginning with Project Head Start, an early education program for low-income children and families. He is a tenured university professor and administrator of the Hampton University Psychology and Psychology/Education Department. A gifted teacher, author, consultant, speaker and trainer, Adolph presents his research, observations, and life experiences in such a way that most if not all attendees have an "aha! Experience." Adolph considers his greatest blessing to be a happily married husband with seven wonderful children. Adolph will make you smile. He will make you laugh. He will make you think. Often he will move you. But he will definitely inspire you to… Do Whatever It Takes To Make You Great!

Picture of Coach Bill Snyder.Together, former Kansas State University football coach Bill Snyder, chair of the Kansas Mentors Council and Leadership Council, and Governor Sebelius, have formed a statewide Kansas Mentors Leadership Council, composed of talented and caring leaders who work to make a difference in the lives of youth.

With 135 victories, Coach Snyder is K-State's all-time winning football coach. Coach Snyder's successes on the field are matched by his achievements off the field. He taught his players the value of sound work ethic, attention to detail, and respect that has helped them succeed during the game as well as in the classroom and in life.

Picture of George Williams.George R. Williams is a marriage and family therapist and the Executive Director of the National Center for Fathering's Urban Father-Child Partnership. George is actively involved in developing and delivering fathering education and programming in various settings. George also writes and performs powerful dramatizations that illustrate the challenges of urban fathers.

Kansas Fatherhood Achievement Award Recipient

Picture of Ken Canfield.Dr. Ken Canfield
Dr. Canfield is the founder of the National Center for Fathering and he served as president and CEO from 1990 through 2005. He is the author of several books, including the award-winning 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers. Dr. Canfield has been a consultant to state and community officials on ways to engage and equip fathers in local programming.
Breakout Sessions

Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 2:40-3:55
Session 1:

  1. 1. Father's Role in the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders by Joseph Kotsch, R.N., M.S.
    A basic overview of brain development and how the brain is affected by alcohol during pregnancy. The father's supportive role during pregnancy and ability to role model abstinence from alcohol for the family will be discussed and how this relates to preventing brain damage to the developing infant.
  2. The ICANs of Being A Dad by Bradford Douglas, B.S.
    Participants will be introduced to the ICAN framework and be given base definitions of each. Examples will be given on how the principles have been implanted as part of a comprehensive package along with Court ordered requirements in the 5th District. Examples will be given on Action Plans and how to implement them into practical supervision, case management or community outreaches.
  3. Criminal Street Gang Awareness — A Prevention Guide for Fathers (Part one) by Officer Jeffrey L. Brownlee
    This two-part session will include videos containing actual gang footage and will include personal experiences with gang related incidents. Participants will be asked to participate by reading and identifying graffiti and hand signs. This session will provide insight into who joins gangs and why.
  4. Fathering Beyond Bars: Why Agencies Should Support and Encourage the Parent-Child Relationship Between Incarcerated Fathers and Their Children by Michelle Montgomery, B.A., Toni Johnson, Ph.D. and Andrea Pfeiffer, KU masters student
    An overview of the effects of incarceration on the family, especially children, will be given. A review of nationally developed "best practices" used with these families will be followed by a facilitated discussion of interventions being used across the state of Kansas.
  5. Confidentiality by Phelica A. Livingston, L.M.S.W.
    This session will give a brief overview of the Confidentiality Statutes as identified by the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board in the State of Kansas.
  6. The Mathematics of Fatherhood by Scott Macek, M.S. ed
    This is a hands-on session, participants will learn specific strategies they can use to assist their children's understanding and learning in math. They will become familiar with math concepts and learn how to apply them in practical situations. They will also receive numerous resources to help their children with math at home. This session is presented by a single-father of three young children.
  7. Why Is Lead Still Poisoning Our Children? By Mary Zahner, R.N.
    Lead-based paint is still the #1 source of childhood lead poisoning. The effects of lead poisoning may be permanent, and can range from learning and behavior problems to hearing loss, attention deficit, lowered IQ, and in higher levels may cause convulsions and even death.

Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 4:15-5:30
Session 2:

  1. The Three R's of Father/Male Involvement by Michael Schiller, B.A.
    This session will explore innovative and unique methods for involving fathers and male role models in the Head Start and community settings. Participants will learn to recognize the situation, avoid or remove roadblocks and create a roadmap to involve fathers and male role models in the lives of children.
  2. Parenting Children with Disabilities by Jennifer Adhima, M.S.W.
    In this session participants will listen to a discussion between three fathers on the joys and challenges of raising a child with a disability. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the fathers on the panel.
  3. Criminal Street Gang Awareness - A Prevention Guide for Fathers (Part Two) by Officer Jeffrey L. Brownlee
    This two-part session will include videos containing actual gang footage and will include personal experiences with gang related incidents. Participants will be asked to participate by reading and identifying graffiti and hand signs. This session will provide insight into who joins gangs and why.
  4. Watch D.O.G.S. — Turning the Hearts of Fathers to Their Children and Children to Their Fathers by Randy Doerksen, M.S., Robert Davis, father, and Rick Amos, father
    Watch D.O.G.S. was started at Prairie Ridge in February 2006. In just over a year 200+ dads have spent a day "in the house" connecting with their children and making a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of other children. In this session participants will hear about some of the experiences at Prairie Ridge as well as discuss the process involved in implementing the program.
  5. Positive Behavior Support for Fathers by Annette Hahn, B.S.
    Children often use challenging behavior when they don't have the social or communication skills they need to engage in more appropriate interactions. Positive Behavior Support is a system of addressing challenging behavior. Multiple strategies work together to promote positive behavior of children. These strategies include building relationships, focusing on prevention, defining expectations, and teaching social and communication skills.
  6. Dads Safe — Kids Safe by Jeff Froman, B.S. and Norraine Wingfield
    This session will provide understanding of the current Safety Belt laws and Kansas and national statistics. Basic instruction will be given on proper restraint for children.
  7. The Evolution of the Fatherhood Project of Reno County by Randall Lind, B.S.
    Members of the Fatherhood Project of Reno County will provide information to participants of the steps that were taken that lead to the creation of the Project. Also provided will be information regarding the evolution on the Project as well as current services and future plans for the Project.

Friday, April 13, 2007 - 10:10-11:25
Session 3:

  1. The Importance of Dads and Strong Male Role Models by Will Stovall, B.A.
    A look at the long range effect that fathers and/or strong male models have on children and how a father uniquely impacts a child. Practical examples will be given of men who can serve as a positive influence in a child's life if the father is not involved.
  2. Supporting Fathers in the Post Partum Period by Jen Stoll, B.A. and Meeka Centimano, L.M.S.W.
    Education will be provided on the use of post partum depression (PPD) screening tools and general recognition of post partum depression. Creation of support networks will be addressed. Key words will be provided to fathers for use when addressing PPD with their baby's mother, as well as phrases and actions to avoid.
  3. Searching for Real Men by Ben Keech, B.S.
    The participants will be motivated to challenge young men with realistic tools to actively engage them in the decisions they make. This session will also show the statistical impact that father's make in their child's life.
  4. Re-Entry: Incarcerated and Near Release Dads by Daniel Houlahan, M.S.M.
    The session will be presented from a federal perspective on how agencies can best prepare and partner with federal, state and local governments to provide services to support men in becoming better fathers.
  5. Fatherhood Programs: Addressing Poverty and Safety by Kim Pentico, B.S.
    Fatherhood service providers will be encouraged to think beyond "fatherhood involvement" to look at broader anti-poverty work, accountability and domestic violence. Providers will learn how assessment, screening and intervention can be carried out in their programs. Domestic violence advocates and fatherhood service providers will explore how to develop mutually respective relationships in order to encourage trust and cooperation.
  6. It's a Good IDEA — Involving Dads in the Process by Lesli Girard and Jamie Holley, father
    This session will cover the six main principles of the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) including the components of an IEP (Individualized Education Program). Jamie will offer ideas and tips concerning how fathers can be an active participant in their child's education.
  7. Get Ready for Action!! Healthy Habits for Life!! By Linda Wilson, B.S. and Barbara Kanelakos
    Elmo, Big Bird, and the rest of the Sesame Street gang share lessons highlighting the importance of healthy eating, active play, dental care, and getting plenty of rest. This session engages parents to provide positive messages about exercise and good nutrition during the formative years.

Kansas — ACF Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage Grants

Catholic Charities, Inc. of Wichita
437 North Topeka
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: 316-263-6941

Project Title: Healthy Marriage Demonstration Project
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Clinical Director: Joyce Webb
E-mail: jwebb@wkscatholiccharities.org

Project Director: Michael Duxler
E-mail: duxlerm@newmanu.edu

University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
School of Social Welfare
1545 Lilac Lane
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-0252

Project Title: Strong and Stable Families
Funding Source: Children's Bureau, Promoting Safe and Stable Families, Post-Adoption Services

Project Director: Bethany Roberts
E-mail: bethanyr@ku.edu

Upcoming Retreats:

May 31 to June 2
Strong and Stable Families Adoptive Couples Retreat in Wichita, KS
Come join us for a fun-filled weekend focused on marriage education. All expenses paid and a stipend for child care.
Contact Beth Roberts at bethanyr@ku.edu or 785-864-0525.
July 19 to 21
Strong and Stable Families Adoptive Couples Retreat in Kansas City.
Come join us for a fun filled weekend focused on marriage education. All expenses paid and a stipend for child care.
Contact Beth Roberts at bethanyr@ku.edu


Project Websites of Interest

The National Center for Fathering’s Urban Father/Child Project is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri


Missouri — ACF Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage Grants

Forest Institute of Professional Psychology
2885 West Battlefield
Springfield, MO 65807
Phone: 417-823-3469
Website: http://www.forest.edu
Website: http://www.ozarksmarriagematters.org

Project Title: Operation US
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant
Website: http://www.operationus.org/

Project Director: Jennifer Baker
E-mail: jbaker@forest.edu
Project Coordinator: Derek Gwinn
E-Mail: dgwinn@forest.edu

Operation US Healthy Marriage/Healthy Relationships Classes
PREP for Engaged Couples
PREP for Married Couples
Love's Cradle
Within My Reach
PICK A Partner
Smart Steps for Stepfamilies

Operation Us Recent Facilitator Trainings
Keeping the Love Alive — Michelle Weiner-Davis
Smart Steps for Stepfamilies
Within My Reach
Love's Cradle

St. Louis Healthy Marriage Coalition
3322 Olive, Suite 002
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-977-6308
Website: http://stl-healthymarriage.org/

Project Title: Healthy Families St. Louis
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Project Director: Bridget Brennan
E-Mail: marriage@slu.edu

Healthy marriage and relationships classes
CO-CARE for Couples
Exploring Relationships
Family Wellness: Survival Skills for Healthy Families
Building Strong Families Missouri

Facilitator trainings
Family Wellness
Exploring Relationships

Fathers' Support Center
4411 Newstead
St. Louis, MO 63115
Phone: 314-333-4170
Website: http://www.fatherssupportcenter.org/

Project Title: Healthy Relationships Skills for Fragile Families
Funding Source: Office of Child Support Enforcement, Special Improvement Project

Project Director: Halbert Sullivan
E-mail: fsc.fathers@birch.net
Project Coordinator: Bridget Brennan
E-mail: marriage@slu.edu

Upcoming Conference

Fathers' Support Center.

Fathers' Support Center, St. Louis
2007 Annual Fatherhood Conference

Thursday, June 14, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday, June 15, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

University of Missouri - St. Louis

JC Penney Conference Building
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121

Target Audience

Social Workers, Educators, Pastors, Faith-based Organization Staff, Community Support Workers, Program Developers, Funders and anyone interested in fathers and preserving families.

Cost (Before May 31, 2007)


After May 31, 2007, the cost is $60.00

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Dinner Reception with Bill Coffin,
Special Assistant for Marriage Education,
Administration for Children and Families

Mr. Bill Coffin joined the Administration for Children and Families in January 2002 as the Special Assistant for Marriage Education. Working with the Assistant Secretary, he is helping to orchestrate an important culture change, where those who marry will have better Access to knowledge and skills to form and sustain a healthy marriage. In recognition of his work, he was awarded the 2006 Smart Marriage Impact Award this past June.

Mr. Coffin served as the Marriage Preparation Coordinator for the Archdioceses of Washington and as a consultant to the U.S. Bishops Committee on Marriage and Family Life. Mr. Coffin is a graduate of Fairfield University in Connecticut and has two Masters Degrees — one in Human Relations and one in Counseling. Please join him for a dinner reception at Lombardo's Restaurant, 10488 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63134.

Conference Categorical Tracks

Marriage Education Retreat (Healthy Couples…"The Strongest Link to Healthy Communities"
Friday, April 20 - Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Fathers Support Center (FSC), St. Louis hosted a Marriage Education Workshop at the Missouri History Museum in Forest park. The Retreat was a collaborative effort between FSC the St. Louis Healthy Marriage Coalition intended to give married couples, cohabitating couples, single parents and adults the tools necessary to have Healthy Relationships. Topics included:

Missouri Parents As Teachers National Center, Inc.
2228 Ball Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone: 314-432-4330
Website: http://www.parentsasteachers.org/

Project Title: Born To Learn
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Responsible Fatherhood Demonstration Grant

Director: Kerry Caverly
E-mail: kerry.caverly@parentsasteachers.org

Special Projects Manager: Kate McGully
E-mail: Kate.McGilly@parentsasteachers.org

The Curators of the University of Missouri
411 Gentry Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-4360
Website: http://extension.missouri.edu/

Project Title: The Connecting for Baby Project
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Project Director: Marilyn Coleman
E-mail: colemanma@missouri.edu

Project Manager: Carol Mertensmeyer
E-mail: MertensmeyerC@missouri.edu

Better Family Life
6347 Plymouth Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63133
Phone: 314-746-0750
Website: http://www.betterfamilylife.org/

Project Title: St. Louis Healthy Families Initiative
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Project Director: Carolyn Seward
E-mail: cseward@metstl.com

Project Coordinator: Robin Ingram
E-mail: ringram@metstl.com

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Jewish Vocational Services
1608 Baltimore
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: 816-471-2808

Project Title: Refugee Healthy Marriage Program
Funding Source: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Refugee Healthy Marriage Program

Project Coordinator: Martin Okpareke
E-mail: mokparek@jvskc.org

Provides Relationship Enhancement (RE) workshops for refugee populations in the Kansas City area.

Healthy Families Counseling and Support
3100 N.E. 83rd Street, Suite 2500
Kansas City, MO 64119-4460
Phone: 816-468-6336
Website: http://www.healthyfamcs.org/

Project Title: Tender Beginnings Plus
Funding Source: Office of Family Assistance, Healthy Marriage Demonstration Grant

Project Director: Karen Daentl
E-mail: daentl@sbcglobal.net

Project Coordinator: Louis Goins
E-mail: louis.goins@gillis.org

Boatpeople SOS
St. Louis Branch
4010 Gravois Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63116
Phone: 314-772-0454

Project Title: Refugee Healthy Marriage Project
Funding Source: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Refugee Healthy Marriage Program

Project Coordinator: Mary Dang
E-mail: Thanh.Dang@bpsos.org


Project Website of Interest



Nebraska — ACF Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage Grants

Nebraska Indian Healthy Marriage Project
1100 Military Road
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-438-5231
Website: www.neici.org

Project Title: Nebraska Indian Healthy Marriage Project
Funding Source: Administration for Native Americans, Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative Grant

Project Director: Linda Robinson
E-mail: linrob49@yahoo.com

Project Trainer: Barbara Grant
E-mail: bgrant1100@yahoo.com

Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
P.O. Box 687
Winnebago, NE 68071
Phone: 402-878-2134

Project Title: Hazohi Healthy Marriage Project
Funding Source: Administration for Native Americans, Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative Grant

Project Director: Regina Littlebeaver
E-mail: glbago@aol.com

Project Coordinator: LaDonna Holstein
E-mail: ladholstein@yahoo.com

Offering PREP workshops for Native American couples.

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Last Revised:  July 31, 2007

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