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If one of the following citations has an abstract affiliated with it, the title will show up as a link. You can click on that link to view the associated abstract. If a "Full Text Available" link appears after the citation, you may click that link to download a pdf version of the article.

Ahmad, S.P., Salomonson, V.V., Barnes, W.L., Xiong, X., Leptoukh, G.G., & Serafino, G.N. (2002). MODIS Radiances and Reflectances for Earth System Science Studies and Environmental Applications. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, January 13-17, 2002, Orlando. Florida, 188-192.

Appel, I.L. & Salomonson, V.V. (2002). Estimate of fractional snow cover using MODIS data. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2002), Toronto, Canada.

Arnold, G.T., S.C. Tsay, M.D. King, J.Y. Li, J.Y., and P.F. Soulen (2002). Airborne spectral measurements of surface-atmosphere anisotropy for arctic sea ice and tundra.. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23, 3763-3781.[Full Text Available]

B. Combal, F. Baret, M. Weiss, A. Trubuil, D. Mace, A. Pragne`re, R. Myneni, Y. Knyazikhin, L. Wang (2002). Retrieval of Canopy Biophysical Variables from Bidirectional Refectance: Using Prior Information to solve the Ill-posed Inverse Problem. Remote Sens. Environ., 84(1), 1-15.

Balch, W. M (2002, submitted). Re-evaluating the physiological ecology of coccolithophores. COCCOLITHOPHORES - FROM MOLECULAR PROCESSES TO GLOBAL IMPACT.

Balch, W. M., D. Drapeau, B. Bowler, E. Booth, J. Goes, A. Ashe, and J. Frye (2002, submitted). A multi-year record of optical properties in the Gulf of Maine: I. Spatial and temporal variability. Progress in Oceanography.

Balch, W.M., Vaughn, J.M., Novotny, J.F., Drapeau, D.T., Goes, J.I., Lapierre, J.M., Scally, E, Vining, C.L., Ashe, A., and Vaughn, J.M. Jr. (2002). Fundamental changes in light scattering associated with infection of marine bacteria by bacteriophage. Limnology and Oceanography , 47(5), 1554-1561.

Barnes, W.L. and Xiong, X (2002). Early On-orbit Calibration Results from Aqua MODIS . Proceedings of SPIE - Sensors, Systems, and Next Generation Satellite VIII , 4881.

Barnes, W.L., Xiong, X., and Salomonson, V. (2002, submitted). Status of Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS. Advances in Space Research.

Barton, I. J, Minnett, P. J., K. A. Maillet, Donlon, C. J., Hook, S. J., Jessup, A. T and T. J. Nightingale (2002, submitted). The Miami 2001 infrared radiometer calibration and inter-comparison: 2. Ship board results. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.

Berendes,T., D. Berendes, R. Welch, E. Clothiaux, E. Dutton, P. Minnett and T. Uttal (2002). Validation of a Neural Network Based MODIS Global Cloud Mask Using Ground Based Instruments. 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Orlando, FL. 13-17 January 2002.

Bobbe, T., Descloitres, J., Finco, M., Giglio, L., Justice, C., Sohlberg, R., and Townshend, J. (2002). MODIS Land Rapid Response System: implementation with USDA Forest Service and implications for active fire detection and land cover change products from future moderate resolution sensors. NPOESS MAXI Review 2002, Silver Spring, MD.

Bogaert,J., L. Zhou, C. J. Tucker, R. B. Myneni, and R. Ceulemans (2002). Evidence for a persistent and extensive greening trend in Eurasia inferred from satellite vegetation index data. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D11), 10.1029/2001.

Bounoua, L., DeFries, R., Collatz, G.J., Sellers, P. and Khan, H. (2002). Effects of land cover conversion on surface climate. Climatic Change, 52, 29-64.

Broerse, A.T.C., Tyrrell, T., Young, J. R., Poulton, A. J., Merico, A. and W. M. Balch (2002, submitted). The cause of bright waters in the Bering Sea in winter. Cont. and Shelf Research.

Buermann, W., Y. Wang, J. Dong, L. Zhou, X. Zeng, R. E. Dickinson, C. S. Potter, and R. B. Myneni (2002). Analysis of a multi-year global vegetation leaf area index data set. J. Geophys. Res., 10.1029/2001.

Buschmann, N., G. M. McFarquhar and A. J. Heymsfield (2002, in press). Effects of observed horizontal inhomogeneities within cirrus clouds on solar radiative transfer. J. Geophys. Res..

Campbell, J.W., D. Antoine, R. Armstrong, K. Arrigo, W. Balch, et al (2002). Comparison of algorithms for estimating ocean primary productivity from surface chlorophyll, temperature, and irradiance. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(3).

Cannizzaro, J.P., K.L. Carder, F.R. Chen, and C.A. Heil (2002). Remote detection of red tide blooms on the West Florida Shelf: a novel classification technique. Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XVI Meeting, November 18-22, 2002.

Carder, K. L., F.R. Chen, J.P. Cannizzaro, and J.W. Campbellv (2002, submitted). Performance of MODIS Semi-analytic Ocean Color Algorithm for Chlorophyll-a. Adv. Space Res.

Carder, K.L., C.C. Liu, Z. Lee, D.C. English, J. Patten, F.R. Chen, J.E. Ivey, and C.O. Davis (2002). Illumination and turbidity effects on observing faceted bottom elements with uniform lambertian albedos. Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XVI Meeting, November 18-22, 2002..

Carroll, M., Descloitres, J., Giglio, L., Sohlberg, R., Finco, M, Quayle, B., Owens, J., Townshend, J., and Justice, C. (2002). MODIS Land Rapid Response activities with the USDA Forest Service: time sensitive data acquisition to support wildfire management. Proceedings of 2002 NASA Science Data Processing Workshop, Greenbelt, Md.

Cattrall, C. K.L. Carder, and H.R. Gordon (2002, accepted). Columnar aerosol single-scattering albedo and phase function retrieved from sky radiance over the oceans: Measurements of African dust. Jour. Geophys. Res..

Cattrall, C., K.L. Carder, K. Thome, and H. Gordon (2002). Solar-reflectance-based calibration of spectral radiometers. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(20), 1029-1033.

Chan, J.W.-C., LaPorte, N. and DeFries, R. (2002, in press). Texture classification of logging using machine learning algorithms. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

Chu, D. A., Y. J. Kaufman, C. Ichoku, L. A. Remer, D. Tanre, and B. N Holben (2002). Validation of MODIS aerosol optical depth retrieval over land. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(12), doi: 10.102.

Clark, D.K., M.E. Feinholz, M.A. Yarbrough, B.C. Johnson, S.W. Brown, Y.S. Kim, and R.A. Barnes (2002). An overview of the radiometric calibration of MOBY. Earth Observing Systems VI, 4483, 64-76.

Davis, A., and Marshak, A (2002). Space-Time Characteristics of Light Transmitted Through Dense Clouds . J. Atmos. Sci, 59, 2714-2728.

DeFries, R. (2002, in press). Review of "People Managing Forests: The Links between Human Well-Being and Sustainability". Environmental Conservation.

DeFries, R. (2002, in press). Tropical forests, deforestation, and ecosystem services: Contributions of remote sensing. Geoinformatics for Tropical Ecosystems.

DeFries, R. (2002). Past and Future Sensitivity of Primary Production to Human Modification of the Landscape. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(7), 36-1 to 36-4.

DeFries, R. (2002). Review of “Ecological Integrity: Integrating Environment, Conservation, and Health” (invited book review). Environment.

DeFries, R. and Bounoua, L. (2002, in press). Consequences of land use change for ecosystem services: A future unlike the past. Geojournal.

DeFries, R., Bounoua, L. and Collatz, J.G. (2002). Human Modifications of the Landscape and Surface Climate in the Next Fifty Years. Global Change Biology, 8, 438-458.

DeFries, R., Houghton, R.A., Hansen, M., Field, C., Skole, D., Townshend, J.R.G. (2002). Carbon Emissions from Tropical Land Use Change Based on Satellite Observations for the 1980s and 90s. Proceeding National Academy of Sciences, 99, 14256-14261.

Descloitres, J., Sohlberg, R., Owens, J., Giglio, L., Justice, C., Carroll, M., Seaton, J., Crisologo, M., Finco, M., Lannom, K., and Bobbe, T. (2002). The MODIS Land Rapid Response Project. IGARSS: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, Toronto, Canada.

Donlon, C. J., P. J. Minnett, C. Gentemann, T. J Nightingale, I. J. Barton, B. Ward and J. Murray (2002). Towards improved validation of satellite sea surface skin temperature measurements for climate research. J. Climate, 15, 353-369.

Dubovik, O., B.N. Holben, T. F. Eck, A. Smirnov, Y. J. Kaufman, M. D. King, D. Tanr� and I. Slutsker (2002). Variability of absorption and optical properties of key aerosol types observed in worldwide locations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 59, 590-608.[Full Text Available]

Eastman, J.C., Townshend, J.R.G., Justice, C.O., Sohlberg, R., and Tucker, C.J. (2002, submitted). Roadless areas and forest fires in the western United States. EOS Transactions.

Evans, R. H. , E. J. Kearns, P. J. Minnett, O. B. Brown, W. Baringer, J. Brown, K. Kilpatrick and S. Walsh (2002). Sea surface temperature measured by the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). “Remote Sensing of the Earth's Environment from Terra,” a Workshop at the International Summer School on Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, L'Aquila, Italy, August 25-30, 2002.

Evans, R.H., O.B. Brown, P.J. Minnett and E.J. Kearns (2002). A comparison of MODIS AQUA and TERRA SST using MAERI and buoy observations. Third Workshop of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Pilot Project. Frascati, Italy, December 4. 2002.

Ferreira, L.G. and Huete, A.R. (2002, in press). Assessing the seasonal dynamics of the Brazilian Cerrado vegetation through the use of spectral vegetation indices. Int. J. Remote Sensing.

Ferreira, L.G., Yoshioka, H., Huete, A., and Sano, E., (2002, in press). The seasonal response of spectral vegetation indices in the Brazilian Cerrado: an analysis within the large scale biopshereatmosphere experiment in Amazonia.. Remote Sens. Environ..

Friedl, M. A., D. K. McIver, J. C. F. Hodges, X. Y. Zhang, D. Muchoney, A. H. Strahler, C. E. Woodcock, S. Gopal, A. Schneider, A. Cooper et al. (2002). Global land cover mapping from MODIS: algorithms and early results. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83(1-2), 287-302.

Gao, B.-C., P. Yang, R.-R. Li, S. K. Park, and W. J. Wiscombe (2002, submitted). Detection of high clouds in polar regions during the daytime using the MODIS 1.375-mm channel. IEEE Transa. Geosci. Remote Sensing.

Gao, B.-C., P. Yang, W. Han, R.-R. Li, and W. J. Wiscombe (2002). An algorithm using visible and 1.38-micron channels to retrieve cirrus cloud reflectances from aircraft and satellite data. IEEE Transa. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 40(8), 1659-1668.

Gao, B.-C., Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanre, and R.-R. Li (2002). Distinguishing tropospheric aerosols from thin cirrus clouds for improved aerosol retrievals using the ratio of 1.38- � m and 1.24- � m channels. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(18), 1890.

Gao, B.C., Yang, P., Han, W., Li, R.R., & Wiscombe, W.J. (2002). An Algorithm Using Visible and 1.38-µm Channels to Retrieve Cirrus Cloud Reflectances From Aircraft and Satellite Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(8), 1659-1668.[Full Text Available]

Gao, X., Huete, A.R., and Didan, K (2002, in press). Multisensor comparisons and validation of MODIS vegetation indices at the semiarid Jornada Experimental Range. IEEE Trans. Geosci. & Remote Sensing.

Gitelson, A.A., Kaufman, Y.J., Stark, R., & Ronquist, D. (2002). Novel Algorithms for Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction. Journal of Remote Sensing of the Environment, 80, 76-87.

Glover, D., Doney, S., Mariano, A.J., & Evans, R.H. (2002). Satellite based estimates for the U.S. JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS) site.. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(C8).

Guenther B, Xiong X, Salomonson VV, Barnes WL and Young J (2002). On-orbit Performance of the Earth Observing System Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer; First Year of Data. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 83, 16-30.

Gumbricht, T., McCarthy, T.S, McCarthy, J., Roy D., Frost. P.E., Wessels, K (2002). Remote Sensing to detect sub-surface peat fires and peat fire scars in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, 2002 . South African Journal of Science , 98, 451-360.

Hall, D.K., G.A. Riggs, V.V. Salomonson, N.E. DiGirolamo and K.J. Bayr (2002). MODIS Snow-Cover Products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 181-194.[Full Text Available]

Hall, D.K., R. Solberg and G.A. Riggs (2002). Validation of satellite snow cover maps in North America and Norway. Proceedings of the 59th Eastern Snow Conference, 5-7 June 2002, Stowe, VT. .[Full Text Available]

Hall, D.K., R.E.J. Kelly, A.T.C. Chang, J.L. Foster and J.Y.L. Chien (2002). Analysis of Relative Errors in Snow Maps in North America, Winter 2001-02. presented at Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2002 (PIERS 2002), Cambridge, MA, 1 July 2002..[Full Text Available]

Hall, D.K., R.E.J. Kelly, G.A. Riggs, A.T.C. Chang and J.L. Foster, (2002). Assessment of the Relative Accuracy of Hemispheric-Scale Snow-Cover Maps. Annals of Glaciology, 34, 24-30.

Hanafin, J. A. and P. J. Minnett (2002). Measurements of sea surface emissivity and air-sea heat flux during Gasex 2001. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11-15 February 2002.

Hanafin, J. A. and P.J. Minnett (2002). Field measurements of spectral sea surface emissivity. Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, Florida, USA, 20 May, 2002.

Hansen, M., DeFries, R.S., Townshend, J.R.G., and Sohlberg, R. 2002 (invited) (2002). Continuous fields of tree cover for the United States using multi-resolution satellite Data. RS2002: Ninth Biennial Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference, San Diego CA.

Hansen, M.C., DeFries, R.S., Townshend, J.R.G., Marufu, L., and Sohlberg, R. (2002). Development of a MODIS tree cover validation data set for Western Province, Zambia. Remote Sensing Environment, 83, 320-335.

Hansen, M.C., DeFries, R.S., Townshend, J.R.G., Sohlberg, R., DiMiceli, C., and Carroll, M. (2002). Towards an operational MODIS continuous field of percent tree cover algorithm: Examples using AVHRR and MODIS data. Remote Sensing Environment, 83, 303-319.

Hansen, M.C., DeFries, R.S., Townshend, J.R.G., Sohlberg, R., Carroll, M., and DiMiceli, C. (2002). Global percent tree cover from MODIS data. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Washington, DC, 2002.

Hao, W. M., R. E. Babbitt, R.A. Susott, D. E. Ward, B. L. Nordgren, Y. J. Kaufman, B. N. Holben and D. M. Giles, (2002). Comparison of aerosol optical thickness measurements by MODIS sun photometers and hazemeters in Southern Africa during the SAFARI 2000 campaign,. IJRS.

Hao, W., Kaufman, Y., Descloitres, J., Justice, C., Sohlberg, R., and Bobbe, T. (2002). (invited) Using a MODIS direct broadcast system to monitor fires and smoke and forecast air quality. American Geophyical Union Spring Meeting, Washington, DC, 2002.

Heymsfield, A. J., A. Bansemer, S. Lewis, J. Iaquinta, M. Kajikawa, C. Twohy, M. R. Poellot, and L. M. Miloshevich (2002). A General Approach for Deriving the Properties of Cirrus and Stratiform Ice Cloud Particles. J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 3-29.

Hoge, F. E. and Paul E. Lyon (2002). Satellite Observation of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)Variability in the Wake of Hurricanes and Typhoons . Geophysical Research Letters, 29(19).

Hu, C. and K.L. Carder (2002). Atmospheric correction for aircraft sensors: Comment on a scheme used for CASI. Remote Sens. Environ, 79, 134-137.

Hu, C., F. Muller-Karger, Z. Lee, K. Carder, et al. (2002). Satellite images track “black water” event off Florida coast. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un, 83(26), 281-285.

Huang, C. Townshend, J.R.G., Liang, S. Kalluri, S.N.V. and Defries, R.D. (2002). Impact of sensor’s point spread function on land cover characterization, assessment and deconvolution. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80, 203-212.

Huang, C., Davis, L. S., and Townshend, J.R.G. (2002). An assessment of support vector machines for land cover classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23, 725-749.

Huete, A., Didan, K., Miura, T., and Rodriguez, E. (2002). Overview of the Radiometric and Biophysical Performance of the MODIS Vegetation Indices.. Remote Sens. Environ., 83(195-213).

Huete, A., Gao, X., Kim, H.J., Miura, T., Borghi, C., and Ojeda, R. (2002). Characterization of Land Degradation in Central Argentina with Hyperspectral AVIRIS and EO-1 data. presented at the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand, August 14-21.

Huete, A., Gao, X., Miura, T., Ross Bryant, R., Moran, S., and Hollifield, C. (2002). Multiple scale analyses of land degradation at the Nacu�an reserve, Argentina with Hyperspectral EO-1 and MODIS data. 29th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 8-12..

Huete, A., Yoshioka, Y., Miura, T., Didan, K., and Rodriguez, E.P. (2002). Inter-Sensor Calibration of Vegetation Indices for Synergistic Monitoring and Continuity Studies of Ecosystem Variability. presented at the First International Symposium on "Recent Advances In Quantitative Remote Sensing", Torrent, Spain, September 16-20.

Huete, A.R., Didan, K., Ratana, P., Ferreira, L. (2002). Seasonal Biophysical Dynamics of the Amazon from Space Using MODIS Vegetation Indices. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Special session on LBA research, San Francisco, CA, December 6-10.

Ichoku, C., D. A. Chu, S. Mattoo, Y. J. Kaufman, L. A. Remer, D. Tanr�, I. Slutsker and B.N. Holben (2002). A Spatio-Temporal Approach for the Validation of MODIS Aerosol Products. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(12), doi:10.1029/.

Ichoku, C., L. A. Remer, Y. J. Kaufman, R. Levy, D. A. Chu, D. Tanr�, and B. N. Holben: (2002). MODIS observation of aerosols over Southern Africa during SAFARI 2000: data, validation, and estimation of aerosol radiative forcing. IJRS.

Ivey, J.E., K.L. Carder, F.R. Chen, and Z. Lee (2002). Absorption measurements in optically clear waters. Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XVI Meeting, November 18-22, 2002.

Jessup, A.T, R.A. Fogelberg and P.J. Minnett (2002). Autonomous shipboard infrared radiometer system for in situ validation of satellite SST. SPIE Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, July 8, 2002.

Justice C. O., Giglio L., Korontzi S., Owens J., Morisette J. T., Roy, D., Descloitres J., Alleaume S., Petitcolin F., and Kaufman Y (2002). The MODIS Fire Products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83(1-2), 244-262.

Justice, C.O., and Townshend, J. (2002). Special issue on the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS): a new generation of land surface monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83(1), 1-2.

Justice, C.O., Townshend, J.R.G., Vermote, E., Wolfe, R. El Saleous, N. and Roy, D (2002). Status of MODIS, its data processing and products for terrestrial science applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 3-15.

Justice, C.O., Townshend, J.R.G., Vermote, E.F., Masuoka, E., Wolfe R.E., Saleous N., Roy D.P., Morisette J.T. (2002). An overview of MODIS Land data processing and product status. Remote Sensing Of Environment, 83(1-2), 3-15.

Kang, S. Maosheng Zhao, Steve W. Running (2002, submitted). Cloud Filing of Mod17A2 Photosynthetic Product (PSN). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

Kang, S., Steve W. Running, Jong-Hwan Lim, Maosheng Zhao, Chandra Park (2002, submitted). A Regional Phenology Model for Detecting Onset of Greenness in Temperate Mixed Forests, Korea: An Application of MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI). Remote Sensing of Environment.[Full Text Available]

Kaufman, Y. J. , C. Ichoku, L. Giglio and S. Korontzi, D. A. Chu, W. M. Hao, R.-R. Li, C.O. Justice (2002, accepted). Fires and smoke observed from the Earth Observing System MODIS instrument–physics, data and operational use. Rem. Sens Environ..

Kaufman, Y. J., D. Tanr� and O. Boucher (2002, accepted). New satellites and ground-based aerosol measurements: implications to aerosol-climate research. Nature.

Kaufman, Y. J., D. Tanr� and O. Boucher (2002). A satellite view of aerosols in the climate system. Review for Nature, 419, 215-223.[Full Text Available]

Kaufman, Y.J. , R. G. Kleidman, D. K. Hall, V. J. Martins (2002). Remote sensing of subpixel snow cover using 0.66 and 2.1 µm channels. Geo. Res. Lett., 29(16), doi:10.1029/.

Kaufman, Y.J., B. N. Holben, S. Mattoo, D. Tanr�, L.A. Remer, T. Eck and J. Vaughn (2002). Aerosol radiative impact on spectral solar flux reaching the surface, derived from AERONET principal plane measurements. J. Atmos. Science, 59, 633-644.

Kaufman, Y.J., Martins, J.V., Remer, L.A., Schoeberl, M.R., and Yamasoe, M.A (2002). Satellite retrieval of aerosol absorption over the oceans using sunglint. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(19), 34-1-34-4.

Kaufman, Y.J., N. Gobron, B. Pinty, J.-L. Widlowski and M. M. Verstraete (2002, accepted). Relationship between surface reflectance in the visible and mid-IR used in MODIS aerosol algorithm - theory. GRL, 29(23), doi:10.1029/.

Kaufman, Y.J., O. Dubovik, A. Smirnov and B. N. Holben (2002). Remote sensing of non aerosol absorption in cloud free atmosphere. GRL, 29(18), doi:10.1029/.

Kaufmann,R. K., L. Zhou, C. J. Tucker, D. Slayback, N. V. Shabanov, and R. B. Myneni (2002). Reply to Comment on "Variations in northern vegetation activity inferred from satellite data of vegetation index during 1981-1999" by J. R. Ahlbeck. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D11), 10.1029/2001.

Kearns E.J., R.H. Evans, K. Kilpatrick, P.J. Minnett and D.K. Clark (2002). The calibration of MODIS ocean color and sea surface temperature products. Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, Florida, USA, 20 May, 2002.

King, M.D. & Herring, D.D. (2002). Research satellites for atmospheric sciences. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2038-2046.[Full Text Available]

Landry, M.R., K.E. Selph, S.L. Brown, M.R. Abbott, C.I. Measures, S. Vink, C.B. Allen, A. Calbet, S. Christensen, and H. Nollav (2002). Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in the Antarctic Polar Front region at 170W. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 1843-1865.

Lee, Z., & Carder, K.L. (2002). Effect of spectral resolution on retrievals of water column and bottom properties from ocean-color data.. Appl. Optics, 41(12), 2191-2201.

Lee, Z., K.L. Carder, and K. Du (2002). Influence of particle phase function on the model parameter of remote-sensing reflectance. Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XVI Meeting, November 18-22, 2002.

Lee, Z., Kendall L. Carder, Robert A. Arnone (2002). Deriving inherent optical properties from water color: A multi-band quasi-analytical algorithm for optically deep waters. Applied Optics, 41(27), 5755-5772.

Li, R.-R., Y. J. Kaufman, B.-C. Gao, and C. O. Davis (2002, accepted). A Remote Sensing Technique To Detect Suspended Sediments And Shallow Coastal Waters. .

Li, S., and X. Zhou (2002). Derivation and Comparison of Bi-directional Reflectance Functions of First-year and Multi-year Sea Ice Types in the Southern Ocean . IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, Ontario Canada, 24-28, June 2002 , 1944-1946.

Li, S., and X. Zhou (2002). Deriving Reciprocal Kernel Functional Expression of Antarctic Sea Ice Surface BRDF From Field Measurements . IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, Ontario Canada, 24-28, June 2002 , . 2173-2175.

Liang, S., Fang, H., Chen, M., Shuey, C.J., Walthall, C., Daughtry, C., Morisette, J., Schaaf, C., and Strahler, A. (2002). Validating MODIS land surface reflectance and albedo products: methods and preliminary results. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83(1), 149-162.

Liu, A.K., Y. Zhao, W.E. Esaias, J. W. Campbell, T. S. Moore (2002). Ocean Surface Layer Drift Revealed by Satellite Data. American Geophysical Union, 83(7), 61-62,64.

Liu, C. C., K. L. Carder, R. L. Miller and J. E. Ivey (2002). Fast and accurate model of underwater scalar irradiance. Applied Optics, 41(24), 4962-4974.

Liu, C.C., R.L. Miller, K.L. Carder and Z. Lee (2002). Estimating the underwater light field from remote sensing. Proceedings of the Ocean Optics XVI Meeting, November 18-22, 2002.

Liu, Cheng-Chien, Kendall L. Carder, Richard Miller and James E. Ivey (2002, accepted). Fast and Accurate Model of Underwater Scale Irradiance. Applied Optics, 41(24).

Lucht,W., I. C. Prentice, R. B. Myneni, S. Sitch, P. Friedlingstein, W. Cramer, P. Bousquet, W. Buermann (2002). Climatic control of the high-latitude vegetation greening trend and Pinatubo effect. Science, 296(May-31-2), 1687-1689.

Lyapustin, A., and Y. Knyazikhin (2002). Green's function method for the radiative transfer problem. 2. Spatially heterogeneous anisotropic surface. Applied Optics, 41(27 (Sept), 5600-5606.

Ma, X.-L., Z. Wan, C. C. Moeller, W. P. Menzel, and L. E. Gumley (2002, accepted). Simultaneous retrieval of atmospheric profiles and land surface temperature/emissivity from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer thermal infrared data: extension of a two-step physical algorithm. Applied Optics.

Mahadevan, A. and J. W. Campbell (2002). Biogeochemical Variability at the Sea Surface: How it is linked to process response times. In: Scales in Ecology.

Martins, J. V., D. Tanr�, L.A. Remer, Y. J. Kaufman, S. Mattoo, R. Levy (2002). MODIS Cloud screening for remote sensing of aerosol over oceans using spatial variability. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(12), doi:10.1029/.

Milesi, C., C. Elvidge, R. Nemani and S. Running (2002, accepted). Impact of land development on net primary production in the Southeastern United States. Remote Sensing of Environment.

Milesi,C., C.D. Elvidge, R. R. Nemani and S.W. Running (2002, accepted). Assessing the impact of urban land development on net primary productivity in the southeastern United States.. Remote Sensing of Environment.

Milesi,C., C.D. Elvidge, R. R. Nemani and S.W. Running (2002), (2002, in press). Assessing the environmental impacts of human settlements using satellite data.. Environmental Management and Health.

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