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Technical Service Center
Economics and Resource Planning Group

Reports and Publications

This is a partial list of manuals and reports from the Economics and Resource Planning Group. Links are to pdf files.

Title Author, Date
A Managed Flood on the Colorado River:  Background, Objectives, Design, and Implementation Harpman et al.
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Economic and Financial Analysis Update June 1995
Assessing the Short-Run Economic Cost of Environmental Constraints on Hydropower Operations at Glen Canyon Dam Harpman, August 1999
Benefits from Including Wetland Component in Water Supply Projects

Piper and Platt, July/August 1998
Benefits Transfer Approach to Estimating Recreation Value Platt, September 1996
Contingent Valuation Method Ekstrand and Draper, May 2000
Decision Process Guidebook Coulter and Larsen, 2002
Dolores Project, Colorado, Final Cost Allocation  
Economic Analysis of Dam Decommissioning Platt, March 2003
The Economic Cost of the 1996 Controlled Flood Harpman, 1999
Economic Nonmarket Valuation of Instream Flows Platt, April 2001
Estimating Economic Consequences From Dam Failure in the Safety of Dams Program Ekstrand, September 2000

Estimating Fishery Economic Use Values Platt, January 2008
Estimating Future Recreation Demand: A Decision Guide for the Practitioner (pdf) Haas, G.E., M.D. Wells, V. Lovejoy, and D. Welch. January 2007.
Estimating Future Water Demand Using Population and Economic Growth Projections: A Guide for Municipal, Rural and Industrial (MR&I) Water Assessments Piper, November 2000
Estimating Regional Economic Impacts in an Economic Analysis Piper, November 2000
Evaluating the Accuracy of the Benefit Transfer Method: A rural water supply application in the USA Piper, ?
Forecasting Changes in Site-Specific Recreation Use Platt, September 1996
Glen Canyon Dam, Beach/Habitat-Building Test Flow—An Ex-Post Analysis of Hydropower Cost Harpman, April 1997
Glen Canyon Dam, Colorado River Storage Project, Arizona—The Short-Run Economic Cost of Environmental Constraints on Hydropower Operations Harpman June 1997
Handbook for Estimating the Economic Value of Changes in Fish and Wildlife-Related Resources Ekstrand, Revised December 1996
Impact of Fluctuating Reservoir Elevation on Recreation Use And Value Platt February 2000
Incentive Pricing Handbook for Agricultural Water Disticts Harpman, April 1997
Interim Cost Allocation Report, Columbia Basin Project, Washington May 2000
Measuring Goodness of Fit for the Double Bounded Logit Model: Comment Harpman and Welsh

Measuring the Influence of Water Management Practices on the Economic Benefits of Commercial Fishing
Technical Memorandum Number EC-2008-01

Platt, January 2008
Measuring Regional Economic Impacts of Recreation Borda and Platt, December 1997
Meta-Analysis of Water Recreation Platt and Ekstrand, November 2001
Modeling Recreation Decisions and Estimating the Benefits of North Dakota River Recreation Piper, 1998
Nonuse Economic Value: Emerging Policy Analysis Tool Harpman, Welsh, and Bishop, October 1993
Recreation Facility Design Guidelines Structural and Architectural Group, September 2002
Reservoir Recreation Use Estimation Modeling with Water Level Fluctuation   Platt, July 2001
Resource Management Plan Guidebook—Planning for the Future Welch et al., February 2003
San Juan–Chama Project, Colorado–New Mexico, Final Cost Allocation Economics Group, March 2001
Sign Guidelines, for Planning, Design, Fabrication, Procurement, Installation, and Maintenance of Signs for Outdoor Public Use Areas Economics and Resource Planning Group, October 2006
Using Contingent Valuation and Benefit Transfer to Evaluate Water Supply Improvements Piper, April 1998
Valuation of American Indian Land and Water Resources: A Guidebook Hammer, February 2002
Water Supply - Assessing the Financial and Economic Feasibility of Rural Water System Improvements Piper and Martin, Sept. 1999
Water Recreation Opportunity Spectrum Users' Guidebook Haas, Aukerman, Lovejoy, and Welch, July 2004

For further information about the Economics and Resource Planning Group, our people, and the services we provide, we invite you to follow any of the links on the left-hand navigation bar, or contact our manager, Rick Vinton (303-445-2738 or rvinton@do.usbr.gov).