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Federal Election Commission



FEC Press Office Backgrounders for Reporters

Provisions of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain/Feingold)
-- Summarizes the major provisions of the new campaign finance law, with references to FEC rules and other material.

Presidential Election Campaign Fund -- Explains the rules for public funding of Presidential campaigns including primaries, conventions, and general election candidates. Also gives FEC estimates of Fund activity in 2004 including possible shortfalls for primary matching funds.

FEC Enforcement History -- Lists cases closed by the FEC which have included civil penalties of $50,000 or more from 1980 to the present. Includes MUR number, brief description of the violation(s), and total civil penalties for the case along with specific fines for selected respondents.

2008 Presidential Campaign Information --Click here for a list of currently registered candidates, background information about the early stages of a Presidential campaign, and financial information from past races.

The Millionaire's Amendment -- A primer on this provision that may increase limits when candidates spend large amounts of their personal funds..

Commission Vote History -- Tables summarizing votes taken by the FEC on Enforcement actions, Advisory Opinions, Audits, and Regulations from 2003 through the first five months of 2007.

Other Background Material