Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

No evidence to support funding of abstinence-only programs

Teens in classroom
Rod Morata/Getty Images
A major new review finds that most abstinence-only programs of the type that have received $1.5 billion in federal funding do not help teens delay initiation of sex and concludes there is no scientific evidence to warrant their widespread use. The review is part of a series of articles published in Sexuality Research and Social Policy that identify major flaws in abstinence-only education...more

The editors have dedicated this special issue of Sexuality Research and Social Policy to the memory of Cynthia Dailard, who was a leading voice in the policy community against abstinence-only programs as a senior public policy associate at the Guttmacher Institute from 1998 until her death in 2006...more

Federal rule on right to refuse threatens patients’ access to information and care

The Bush administration has announced that it will formally propose a new federal regulation expanding the refusal rights of individuals and institutions in the health care field that object to providing or assisting in the provision of services that offend their religious beliefs or moral convictions. The proposal has several serious flaws...more

Abortion and women of color

Abortion rates among racial and ethnic minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics, are higher than rates among white women and are directly related to their higher rates of unintended pregnancy, according to a new Guttmacher policy analysis...more

An op-ed by Guttmacher Institute Board chair Melissa Gilliam in the Philadelphia Inquirer examines abortion rates within the black community, putting the issue firmly in the context of broader disparities in access to good, affordable health care, while outlining evidence-based policies that would have a positive impact...more

Family planning clinics prevent unplanned pregnancies, save public dollars

Publicly funded family planning clinics enable women to prevent 1.4 million unplanned pregnancies each year, an estimated 600,000 of which would end in abortion. Without these services, the annual number of unintended pregnancies and abortions in the United States would be nearly 50% higher. In addition to helping women avoid the pregnancies they do not want and plan the pregnancies they do, these services save $4.3 billion in public funds each year...more

Guttmacher celebrates four decades of accomplishments

The Institute is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. We are proud of the many contributions Guttmacher has made to the sexual and reproductive health field, especially the four defining achievements that are highlighted in our 2007 Annual Report. Whether it is putting—and keeping—teenage pregnancy on the policy agenda, documenting the reality of abortion in women’s lives, helping create a national network of family planning clinics or supporting contraceptive equity in prescription drug coverage, we feel confident that our contributions on these and other issues have been uniquely important. We look forward to continuing to be an essential source for sexual and reproductive health information and analysis for years to come.

Take Guttmacher’s annual pop quiz

How much do you know about sexual and reproductive health? To find out, take our annual pop quiz, developed by Guttmacher researchers and policy experts. Although the issues are in the news all the time, the facts are all too frequently misrepresented, and you may be surprised by what you learn...more


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News in Context

  • Legal abortion upheld in Mexico City ...more
  • State Legislative Trends at Midyear 2008 ...more
  • Advancing an Integration Agenda ...more