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Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Prevention Subcommittee Resolutions


    Resolution 1: HIV Reporting, Nov. 9-10, 2004
    Resolution 1: HIV/AIDS among African Americans, June 28-29, 2004
    Resolution 1: Advancing HIV Prevention: New Strategies for a Changing Epidemic, Aug. 7-8, 2003
    Resolution 1: Support for the Minority HIV/AIDS Initiative, July 19-20, 2001
    Resolution 2: Increased Appropriations for U.S. and Global HIV/AIDS Programs in FY 2002, July 19-20, 2001
    Resolution 3: Improved Dissemination of Factual and Truthful Educational Information Regarding HIV Prevention and Sexual Health, July 19-20


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Last Revised: April 14, 2005