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Electronic Journals Alphabetically

Electronic Journals by Subject

Library and Information Science

ALAWON is a free, irregular e-mail publication of the ALA Washington office
ALCTS newsletter online
v.14 (2003)- Full text
no.1 (1996)- Full-text
Citations for serial literature
v.1 (1992)- Full-text
1994- Full-text
Current cites
v.1 (1990)- Full-text RSS
D-Lib magazine : Research in digital libraries
July (1995)- Full-text RSS
Issues in science and technology librarianship
1991- Full-text
LC cataloging newsline
v.1 (1993)- Full-text
v.6 (1996)- Full-text
Newsletter on serials pricing issues
1991- Full-text
Public access computer systems review
v.1 (1990)- Table of Contents, Articles in ASCII text

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