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Subject Listing of Electronic Journals

Alphabetical Listing of Electronic Journals


Acta mathematica universitatis comenianae
v.60 (1991)- Table of Contents, Full text available as Postscript and DVI files

ALAWON is a free, irregular e-mail publication of the ALA Washington office

ALCTS newsletter online
v.14 (2003)- Full text

American journal of mathematics
v.1 (1878)-v.117 (1995) Full-text

American Laboratory
Vol. 31 (1999)- Full-Text

Analytical sciences
v. 1 (1985)- Full-text

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
v.39 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

Applied and environmental microbiology
v.61 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

no.1 (1996)- Full-text

Arthritis research
v.1(1999)- Full-text



Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry

BioMed Central
Full-text holdings vary by journal title RSS

v.1(2007)- Full-text RSS

BMC anesthesiology
v.1(2001)- Full-text

BMC biochemistry
v.1(2000)- Full-text

BMC bioinformatics
v.1(2000)- Full-text

BMC biotechnology
v.1 (2001)- Full-text

BMC structural biology
v.1 (2001)- Full-text

v.316(1998)- Full-text

Breast cancer research
v.1(1999)- Full-text

Bulletin of material sciences
v.23 (2000)- Full-text

Bulletin of the american mathematical society
v.33 (1996)- Full-text

Bulletin of the medical library association
v.88(2000)- Full-text

Articles from the current issue RSS



Carbon Balance and Management
v.1 (2006)- Full-text

Citations for serial literature
v.1 (1992)- Full-text

Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology
v.2 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

CMAJ: canadian medical association journal
v.163(2000)- Full-text

Code of federal regulations
Select and search available CFR titles or volumes

Commerce business daily
Search current issue and archives from 1995-

Congressional record
v.141 (1994)- Full-text

1994- Full-text

Contributions to algebra and geometry
v.34 (1993)- Abstracts available; Full-text in DVI and PostScript files

Critical care
v.1(1997)- Full-text

Crosstalk: The journal of defense software engineering
January 1994- Full-text

Current cites
v.1 (1990)- Full-text RSS

Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine
v.1(2000)- Full-text

Current science
v.1 (1932)- Full-text



D-Lib magazine : Research in digital libraries
July (1995)- Full-text RSS

Dalton transactions
1997- Full-text RSS

Data communications
Articles from the current issue

Articles from current issue 1995- RSS

Design news
Full-text 1995- RSS

Directory of Open Access Journals
Full-text holdings vary by journal title



Current and previous year Full-text

Electronic journal of differential equations
1993- Full-text

Electronic journal of probability
v.1 (1996)- Full-text

Electronic transactions on numerical analysis
v.1 (1993)- Full-text

Engineering e-journal search engine (EESE)
Full-text engineering journals available free on the web.

Eukaryotic cell
v.1 (2002)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available



Federal register
v.60 (1995)- Full-text and PDF files available

Full-text holdings vary by journal title



Infection and immunity
v.63 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

Institute of physics - monthly papers
Full-text papers published in IOP journals are made freely available online for 30 days from the date of online publication.

Internet world
Articles from the current issue; Table of contents 1993- RSS

Issues in science and technology
Fall, 1996- Full-text

Issues in science and technology librarianship
1991- Full-text



JAMIA: the journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
v.1 (1994)-v.7, no.5 (Sept. 2000) Full-text

Journal of artificial intelligence research
v.1 (1994)- Full-text

Journal of astrophysics and astronomy
v.22 (2001)- Full-text

Journal of bacteriology
v.177 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

Journal of biosciences
v.24 (1999)- Full-text

Journal of chromatography B
v.766 (2002)- Full-text

Journal of clinical microbiology
v.33 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

Journal of corrosion science and engineering
v.1 (1995)- Papers and Abstracts

Journal of modern optics
v.1 (1954) - Full-text

Journal of nanobiotechnology
v.1 (2003)- Full-text

Journal of physical and chemical reference data
v.28 (1999)- Full-text RSS

Journal of physical chemistry. C
v.111 (2007)- Full-text

Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
v.100 (1995)- Full-text

Journal of superconductivity
v.10 (1997)-v.18 (2005) Full-text

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
v.1 (1994)- v.11 (2004)- Full-text

Journal of the Medical Library Association
v.90(2002)- Full-text

Journal of vibration and acoustics
v.122 (2000)- Full-text

Journal of virology
v.69 (1995)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

JSTOR - Mathematics and Statistics Archival Collections
Full-text access to archived (pre-2000) issues of mathematics and statistics journals



LC cataloging newsline
v.1 (1993)- Full-text

v.6 (1996)- Full-text

Los Alamos National Labortatory e-Print archives
Includes: Physics, math, and computer science preprints RSS



Measurement techniques
v.40 (1997)- Full-text

Molecular and cellular biology
v.1 (1981)- Full-text
Current 6 months not available

MRS bulletin
v.25 (Mar.2000)- Full-text



New York journal of mathematics
v.1 (1994)- full text in DVI and PostScript formats

Newsletter on serials pricing issues
1991- Full-text

Nuclear fusion
v.32 (1992)- Full-text RSS



Pattern recognition
v.33 (2000)- Full-text

Articles from current issue RSS

Philosophical magazine
v.83 (2003)- Full-text

Plant physiology
v.116(1998)- Full-text

PLoS biology
v.1 (2003)- Full-text RSS

PLoS medicine
v.1 (2004)- Full-text RSS

Pramana, journal of physics
v.52 (1999)- Full-text

Private zone at information today's web site
Periodicals that have FREE archives on the web. [User name: internet, Password: archives]

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS): mathematical sciences
v.87 (1978)- Full-text

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS): Chemical sciences
v.86 (1977)- Full-text

Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS): Earth & planetary sciences
v.87 (1978)- Full-text

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PubMed)
Full-text of selected articles (1915)-Current

Public access computer systems review
v.1 (1990)- Table of Contents, Articles in ASCII text

PubMed Central
Full-text holdings vary by journal title



Resonance: Journal of science education
v.5 (2000)- Full-text

Respiratory research
v.1(2000)- Full-text



Sadhana: Academy proceedings in engineering sciences
v.25 (2000)- Full-text

Coverage varies. A gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies, including research and development results.

Scientific american
Selected articles for the current month RSS

SPIE Letters
2006- Full-text

STI bulletin
Jan. (1995)- Adobe PDF format



Technology analysis & strategic management
v.16 (2004) Full-text



Weekly compilation of Presidential documents
v.29 (1993)- Full-text



Zeitschrift fuer naturforschung B
v.57b (2002)-v.58b (2003) Full-text


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