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How to Search

Searching for Data

The Search Services page provides the capability to search for and download data available within the PDS. If you have never searched PDS Data Sets before, please see How PDS Data are Organized.

The basic strategy when searching for data is to perform a two-step search.

Step One is to narrow the search to one or more data sets of interest. The PDS provides two main search engines to search for data sets. These are: Data Search and the PDS Explorer. Each search interface allows the user to search for data sets of interest by mission, target, instrument etc. The results of the search are presented in a table with links to data product searches and additional resources ("Data Products & Related File" column).

Step Two involves searching for data products and additional resources within the data set(s). Clicking on the links will display one of several Data Set Browsers that may be used to select and download data products or other files associated with the data set.

Data Set Browsers come in various flavors. PDS provides custom search engines or tools that are specific to a particular type of data. Examples of these are the Atlas for Imaging products, or DITDOS for fields and particles data. PDS also provides a Basic Data Set Browser for all other data. Each Data Set Browser allows the specification of detailed search parameters such as latitude/longitude, start/stop time etc or parameters provided by a map-based search interface where the user may select a point on a map to get a list of products associated with that region. The results of this search are also presented in a table with links to enable reading or downloading the files.

PDS Explorer

Another strategy is to use the PDS Explorer to directly examine the contents of the PDS online data archive volumes. The PDS Explorer displays all the data set ids available within PDS. The list may be further filtered by mission, targets, instrument or data set id. Clicking on a data set id of interest provides access to the on line volume directories for that data set, as well as the files contained therein.

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